Digital humans the art of the digital double
Ever wanted to know how digital doubles are created in the movie industry? This course will give you an insight into how it's done.
# 31 15-06-2011 , 04:28 AM
bullet1968's Avatar
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Sweet work ben!!! good to see you back in the ring mate.....keep up the good work

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 32 15-06-2011 , 04:22 PM
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Thanks Ant.

Had too many issues with the hand to ignore, so Ive started rebuilding that too. Coming on I think for the foundations. Next up to start shaping it out better and adding some of the smaller details...knuckles, nails...etc...

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# 33 15-06-2011 , 09:55 PM
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I think hands can be the most tricky part to model on the human body, looking good Ben.............dave

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# 34 15-06-2011 , 10:08 PM
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Thanks dave. I more or less finished them and attached them to the rest of the body. Not sure what I find hardest. With the hand, the thumb area was quite tricky...the angle it comes off the hand and its varying thicknesses along it. It almost twists slightly as it goes along, it seems from some angles. I made some fingernails which I found trickier than I thought I would. But the overall hand is an improvement on what I had. Though I had to add some extra edgeloops to accomodate it which gave some creases/hard edges elsewhere which I had to sort out. Not done much else today, lethargic after a couple of rubbish nights sleep. Hopefully more up for it tomorrow....will post up pics of hand then too.

# 35 16-06-2011 , 02:52 PM
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Gonna have a go at switching to Z now. Some adjustments can still be made, but I'll make them there instead. This is the finished base to work on.

edit: And shot 2.) The beginnings of the sculpt, just working at level 2 and a little at 3...rendering at 4.

Shot3.) close-up

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Last edited by ben hobden; 16-06-2011 at 05:58 PM.
# 36 16-06-2011 , 09:11 PM
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two or three hours in. Slowish progress, but coming on. As ever, the back is lagging behind the front a bit. Lots of bits I'm unsure on.

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# 37 16-06-2011 , 09:19 PM
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Looking good Ben, back of the legs could do with some attection and mybe some cloathing.........dave

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# 38 16-06-2011 , 09:25 PM
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Cheers. Im pleased with how its coming on. Yes, back of the legs. Gotta find some useful reference. Clothes....been vaguely wondering how to suit/cloth/armor him...but nothing definite yet. Got a few ideas, but could do with dedicating some proper time to brainstorming it. Want to treat him just in his birthday suit until that's done.

Edit: looking at this and thinking about it, its wierd...its only been a couple of weeks since I made the first character in this thread, but already I cant believe I ever went about making him the way I did it, let alone the sagat for the april challenge. Spending time and effort on a decent base mesh is definitely the way to go.

Last edited by ben hobden; 17-06-2011 at 02:09 AM.
# 39 17-06-2011 , 09:41 AM
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The latest updates on this guy are looking great. I like the idea with the folds in his skin, maybe if you made him larger (fatter) it might lend well to the overall style.

Anyway, nice work.

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 40 17-06-2011 , 11:01 AM
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Thanks steve. Glad you like the folds, I was unsure, sometimes looking and thinking yes, and other times looking and thinking 'hmmmm'. I think they need a little bit of brushwork with gravity to give them some more weight.

I see what you mean about making him fatter. Ive hit the point now where ive become 'precious' about it...i.e, worried about doing anything drastic. Guess I could always not save. I dont know. Hes got that odd fold in his belly which I wondered if id get criticised on. That might make it harder to make that area much larger without really stepping down to like level 1/2 and really starting over there.

The main direction I had in mind was I keep seeing it with all the strands of the muscles sculpted in. You know you see some characters where, not just the form of the muscles is put in,but the individual strands of the muscles too. I put some in already very lightly on his upper arm. I wonder sometimes if this is a good effect or not. Its not very realistic, but then other times it can look quite cool I think.

Thanks for your crit. Please shout up if you see anything that needs work.

# 41 18-06-2011 , 10:51 PM
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Dont know if Im going in the right direction with this. Feel almost like Im adding stuff for the sake of it in parts. I like some of the 'sinewy' effect, like around his upper arms....but then other places, particularly his chest,....seems a bit out of place...

I have saved this as a seperate tool so I can work on this and go back to the original if it gets out of hand.

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Last edited by ben hobden; 19-06-2011 at 12:46 AM.
# 42 19-06-2011 , 08:10 PM
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Hey ben looks like he just underwent liposuction lol.........

# 43 20-06-2011 , 01:41 PM
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He's getting pretty wrinkly/prune-like isnt he.... hmmmmmmmm

Little bit more work on him...

and started on a female aswell.

Dave, think I found my hardest part to model....her breasts were/are a nightmare.

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Last edited by ben hobden; 20-06-2011 at 02:59 PM.
# 44 20-06-2011 , 03:35 PM
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I'd appreciate any comments anyone has on this regarding the topology, with deformation/rigging in mind. Is it ok? Anything I should be looking to add/change/reroot?

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Last edited by ben hobden; 21-06-2011 at 12:01 AM.
# 45 21-06-2011 , 05:52 PM
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Here's what I've done today. I carried on with her clothing for a while and then fancied a break. Made a start on the skull for Meryl (and for her) in Z. Just level 2/3 so far.

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