Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 31 29-11-2011 , 03:54 PM
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Jjoverall22- Thanks , However what I meant was can you create one where the turtle is not n any layers. Show how you created the layers and place the object there.

That's where my confusions are in the start up. I get how they can work. Just get mixed up in the prepping of them start with the Top layer created.

I am thinking there has to be a top layer that connects all of the following layers in order to use them correctly. I understand the set up in not like Photoshop or Illustrator.

However there is a light confusion on my end for some reason and I thank you seriously for doing this. And I do not mean to bog down your time.

From my think how it works, I am off somewhere and it's not connecting yet with me, but I am trying but get mixed up about Maya Layers,
Thanks to you again my friend, I mean this user added image

# 32 29-11-2011 , 07:01 PM
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16 - The "Create Polygon Tool"user added image wow I can not believe how deceiving the tool is.

Ok here is my example. i build a row of polys to create a shape. Ok I go to select the Faces but many at one time by holding down the shift key and double click on one to get many.

Ok here the Red Crow here. The polys are created yes but they are not merged together.therefore I have to go and get the "Merge Vertex Tool" and merge each (Vert) up again creating more time. i am trying to manage my time at the same time as I model. "Holly Smokes Batman" What is up with that.
Or maybe I am doing something wrong. I do not think so but I am still learning my way around "Frieolie"user added image

Means Cheese and Crackersuser added imageuser added image

Last edited by PenPixels; 29-11-2011 at 07:07 PM.
# 33 29-11-2011 , 07:20 PM
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Okay here is a new vid sorry again I am at work maybe I should just break down and get a mic for this place user added image anyways Ill try to explain my thought process here.

Lets start with a new scene.
we are going to make a small body like object I am going to start out creating a sphere that we will call the head. Now notice I select the head and "then" go over to the farthest icon on the right to create the first layer of my scene.

I assign it a color but nothing happens why?
well thats because I have to make sure that show wireframe on shaded is selected. go to Shading in the view port and click the box show wireframe on shaded there you go the head is now on its own layer and has colored wireframes to indicate it.

Now lets move on to the body.
We follow the same process by creating a new object and then selecting it before using the create new layer icon. Remember farthest one on the right. Assign it a color and instantly it changes to that color because you have already turned on wireframe on shaded.

Now we follow the same process for the first arm.

Now with the second arm notice I just duplicated it ctrl+D and moved it in place. Because it was duplicated after being added to a layer the duplicated object is also on the same layer and is indicated by the wireframe colors.

Now lets say I dont want the two arms to be on the same layer this is simple. Simply select the object you want to remove and then right click on the layer and click remove selected. Notice the wireframe color changes back to the default dark blue this means the object is not on any layers. Now just select the object and use that same Icon to the right assign a color and your are good.

Next lets look at putting the entire body on on layer say if your finished with this section so select all the objects use that little icon assign a color and everything is now on a single layer. Well great the only thing I don't like is notice how all the other layers stopped working. In Maya an object can only exist on one layer so by selecting the entire body and adding it to a new layer this removed all of the objects from their individual layers so don't do this unless you know you are really done editing the individual sections.

Now lets lets look at this next video

I just wanted to show you really quick that if you select and combine two separate objects this will also remove both objects from their individual layers and put them back to the default blue which is that non-existent layer that can't edited and you don't need to worry about.

I hope that helps and is a little clearer. (I really need to get a mic that would be so much easier)

Good Luck hope that Helps user added image

Part 1
Part 2

- Jake
# 34 29-11-2011 , 07:24 PM
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16 - The "Create Polygon Tool"user added image wow I can not believe how deceiving the tool is.

Ok here is my example. i build a row of polys to create a shape. Ok I go to select the Faces but many at one time by holding down the shift key and double click on one to get many.

Ok here the Red Crow here. The polys are created yes but they are not merged together.therefore I have to go and get the "Merge Vertex Tool" and merge each (Vert) up again creating more time. i am trying to manage my time at the same time as I model. "Holly Smokes Batman" What is up with that.
Or maybe I am doing something wrong. I do not think so but I am still learning my way around "Frieolie"user added image

Means Cheese and Crackersuser added imageuser added image

Seems like this create poly tool is good for making just one polygon at a time. Unless I've missed something.
Limit the number of points: On
Limit points to: ?
^ these settings affect how many points you can draw before the polygon closes. Might want to check them out in the special box.
See Drawing a polygon in the manual

Last edited by SilverFeather; 29-11-2011 at 07:27 PM.
# 35 29-11-2011 , 07:45 PM
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I will post a screen grab. Now in this screen grab I had to move the corners to reconnect them after creating the shape. It doubling my workflow which I hate. Because I know in the long run this can hurt me more than help.

Thanksuser added image

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# 36 29-11-2011 , 07:52 PM
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Wow Jake- that helped out a lot. Man I owe you oneuser added image

# 37 29-11-2011 , 08:25 PM
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I will post a screen grab. Now in this screen grab I had to move the corners to reconnect them after creating the shape. It doubling my workflow which I hate. Because I know in the long run this can hurt me more than help.

Thanksuser added image

I think you could have made the shape easier by adding edge loops to a single polygon or cutting the polygon than doing all those. O.o
Maya 2012's Interactive Split tool's annoying for leaving me to merge the vertices if I start from a vertex's area instead of an edge. I wonder what the original Split tool was like. Never used it when I had Maya 6 long ago. No idea if it even existed in that version.

# 38 29-11-2011 , 10:32 PM
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WOW you are so right. I need to think more. I guess i am in the Poly by Poly mode.

Thanks again user added image

# 39 01-12-2011 , 09:40 PM
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17 - Ok I am modeling a head, working on one side first than after will mirror over. Ok lets say the center point got of center for what ever reason.user added image

What is the best way to select the "Center Line" and mirror over so that it's two sides share the same center point in Maya?user added image


# 40 01-12-2011 , 10:18 PM
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Look up in the help file snap to grid...............dave

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# 41 02-12-2011 , 01:06 AM
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Select all your verts that make up the center of the face and then middle mouse click while holding x to grid snap them all.

- Jake
# 42 03-12-2011 , 02:49 PM
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18 - Colors -user added image

Ok this question involves coloring sections on mesh as a quick reference before going into the Texturing Phase.

Ok please forgive me for bringing this up However in Modo when we do this: You can select any polygons and activate Materials, name that Material and color is as a reference. All this info goes to the Shader Tree and we can do amazing things from there.

How does this work in Maya. I know about the Lamberts, However In Maya can we select sections of Polygons and color them quickly without affecting the surrounding Polys.

Or is it best to skip this and get right to Texturing?user added image

19 - Creating Glass and Plastics In Maya. Are there materials that we can assign to sections and see it's Glass Effect without Rendering it out?user added image

Thanksuser added image

# 43 03-12-2011 , 03:16 PM
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18 - Colors -user added image

Ok this question involves coloring sections on mesh as a quick reference before going into the Texturing Phase.

Ok please forgive me for bringing this up However in Modo when we do this: You can select any polygons and activate Materials, name that Material and color is as a reference. All this info goes to the Shader Tree and we can do amazing things from there.

How does this work in Maya. I know about the Lamberts, However In Maya can we select sections of Polygons and color them quickly without affecting the surrounding Polys.

Or is it best to skip this and get right to Texturing?user added image

19 - Creating Glass and Plastics In Maya. Are there materials that we can assign to sections and see it's Glass Effect without Rendering it out?user added image

Thanksuser added image

Selecting facets and applying a new lambert or whatever to them and color them differently works. Provided that the facets are shaped the way you need them to be.

# 44 03-12-2011 , 05:00 PM
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19 - you mean caustics? No, I think you need to render to see those. If you mean transparency, yes, you can see that in the viewport.

# 45 04-12-2011 , 04:51 AM
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Ok here's the situation I am facing here.

I am adjusting these poly's before I copy over a face half to the other side. I hit some key that turned all the verts yellow. Not understanding what I did so I save it and closed the file. Re-opend it and now all of my polygons are separate from one another, dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sorry but I lost 3 dys of work if i have to rebuild the entire thing over again.

PLEASE tell me there's a function in Maya where I can select all the faces and attached the verts without having to rebuild this all over again.

Forgive my tune but why oh why did I not save in sections. I feel so stupiduser added image

Thanks in advance

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