Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 31 09-10-2012 , 08:49 PM
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So you are going from a robot model which unfortunately looks like a collection of primitives to a stylised human figure? Good luck with that. Can't wait.

I didn't read all of your post as it was too long for me. So I could be missing something, however is that the robot finished or where there just no updates? Your lighting and shading don't look very good.
Lights - judging by the two massive specular highlights I'd say you are maybe using a couple of spotlights in front there. You could look into arbitrary shadow mapping of caustics or try creating splines using omnidirectional texturing.

The shaders are completely unbelievable. Everything will have some kind of a bump, so probably add one, it will also break up the specularity. those reflections are like a mirror try blurring them a bit. If you want a good metal you should add an environment. Create an IBL.

Not sure why I'm writing this, I still thing you are a weirdo/asshole. For someone who types loads you are not very good at explaining yourself.

# 32 09-10-2012 , 09:04 PM
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You know what man? you just totally crossed the line!

Having input to critique a fellow member is one thing, but between you're unending harassment of me via my inbox with your constant verbal insults and turrets-like assaults (which have been reported already once, and you having been ignored by me since), and now using this otherwise sublime public forum to lambast me for what you perceive to be your right as God's gift to the world as chief douche-bag of the Universe, I've had it.

I have been cordial, frank and to the point with you. And frankly, I'm done with it. Time for you to go bye bye.

Hey Mods, I don't appreciate this guy attacking me any more for no Goddamn reason...or any reason period. For whatever the cause, he is becoming obsessed with me. I don't know what that attraction is. I don't know why he is so hyper-focused on little old me and my rather inconsequential posts here on the forum. But if you are not going to do anything, I'm going to spell out publicly exactly how I feel here. He threw down the gauntlet. So, if you'll forgive me, I have the right to cross the line of being Mr. Nice guy tolerating the lower life-forms for the moment.

How about a little assist? Or is that too much to ask? He kind of reminds me of that character in the gaming world on South Park...You know, the little twit that runs up and kills all the characters and does his little ass-dance that might as well have him wearing a butt-plug through his flaming pink hot-shorts? That guy? Yeah, Dom, you're kind of like that.

Mods, I know I've only been here a short time, but I enjoy this forum and play by it's rules. If you don't want normal, kind hearted, decent and cool people like me coming here, potentially spending money on tutorials and training, and interacting with fellow artists in a respectful manner on the forums, and instead want pre-Cambrian troglodytes with the tact and moral turpitude of a gnat pissing off your members, I'll be happy to leave and take my contributions elsewhere.

I don't want this guy contacting me, replying to ANY of my threads, responding to ANY of my posts in OTHER threads (by direct address or inference) or talking about me in any of the above going forward on this forum. If he stays here, he needs some new and set rules to go by other than "play nice with others" specifically where I'm concerned. Either he abides by them or Ban his a**.This is total Bull-**** at this point. Those are my official requests as a rule-following member.

I'll leave the choice to you. You obviously know about this guy by our recent conversation regarding his M.O.

And Dom, seriously...? Go **** yourself. I doubt you'd have the option with anything other than that prospect. But really, that's okay bunky...the one of you deserve each other.


Last edited by NextDesign; 10-10-2012 at 01:07 AM. Reason: Removed potentially offensive language
# 33 09-10-2012 , 09:31 PM
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How old are you two, we do have some younger member on this site who don`t need to see to older members behaving in this way.Dom not sure why you posted on this thread I know what was said in another thread but every one should be given a second chance...................dave

Avatar Challenge Winner 2010
# 34 09-10-2012 , 09:35 PM
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Second chance Dave? Yeah, after that little number you just mentioned he began spamming my PM box with stuff I won't even get into...non stop. So don't dictate to me how I should behave at this point when you don't have all the facts. He's had more than one, two, 5 chances. Now he's on my turf in my corner where I keep...

He's spraying his feces all over the place and in my face. Young ones...Guess what kids, Here's a lesson for you...This (Honest Dom) is the definition of the word -fill-in the blank- , and what you should avoid becoming like. There, I hope I've fulfilled my public service duties to those here who aren't privy to the a-holery of life and how creepy people can be.

I'm furious and I'm sure you would be too. How old am I??? Are you kidding me? I have had it and the Mods have done nothing. You know what? I'm out.

This place just became loser ville. Drama city man. No thanks.

Thanks for nothing mods.

Monitor your boards better and more efficiently.


Last edited by TravisCowsill; 09-10-2012 at 09:40 PM.
# 35 09-10-2012 , 09:48 PM
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What I am trying to say Travis that two wrongs dont make it right but if it is true what you have said about Dom bombing you with PM thats not right and I hope some action to stop it will be done.........................dave

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# 36 09-10-2012 , 11:11 PM
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Yeah probably shouldn't have posted that. Had a long day, never the less shouldn't have happened. I just can't leave it tho. I'm still annoyed you had the cheek to call me rude when all I'd ever done was help you. Then you didn't apologise or even say what you meant by it. I just started telling some truths and being the bad guy you thought I was.

# 37 09-10-2012 , 11:20 PM
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This place just became loser ville. Drama city man. No thanks.

Thanks for nothing mods.

Monitor your boards better and more efficiently.


just add Dom to your ignore list problem solved.

You two obviously don't get on. Can we please get back to the 3D now.


From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 38 10-10-2012 , 12:56 AM
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If you disregard some of the information Dom posted, he actually has some valuable insight.

Lights - judging by the two massive specular highlights I'd say you are maybe using a couple of spotlights in front there. You could look into arbitrary shadow mapping of caustics or try creating splines using omnidirectional texturing. Everything will have some kind of a bump, so probably add one, it will also break up the specularity. those reflections are like a mirror try blurring them a bit. If you want a good metal you should add an environment. Create an IBL.

Now, moving on:

As far as the texture goes though, there is a .005 fractile bump. I know its subtle, but it's there. I'm not entirely clear on the term you used there. Is there something I'm not doing other than the fractile that needs to be done? What did you mean texture mapping? Is that different from a standard bump on the UV projection?

I wouldn't rely on procedural textures, as nothing in nature has a uniformly-distributed pattern like those generated with an equation. Instead, I would try to create a bump, and spec map from your diffuse texture. You'll be amazed at how much of a difference there is.

Texture mapping is the process of mapping a texture onto an object. It's not the same thing as laying out UVs, as texture mapping is the process of applying the textures onto the object. It's also synonymous with shading, etc.

Assuming I read and understood correctly, those types of things would be done in post. Okay, so I am assuming in something like after effects. *snip* what I don't understand is how does that (post application of such effects) relate to an object or, robot, who is then eventually fully animated?

You would use render layers. Render layers allow you to apply specific shaders on objects during render time. This way, you could have a "glow" pass, where you have all the materials matte-black, no lights, and only have the regions that you wish to glow white. Then you can use this as a mask in After Effects to create the glow.

Further, and I'm really just trying to understand, why would they incorporate the option (glows, lighting effects, etc.) into Maya at all if there isn't a way or reason to use them?

It's a legacy feature. You'll find a lot of them hanging around, and in some cases, it's just fine, as it's very accessible. However, the more powerful and versatile method requires a bit more preparation.

Thanks for nothing mods.

Monitor your boards better and more efficiently.

Just so you know, we have no way to access PMs, emails, or other forms of communication between members; we can only moderate what can be seen in the public forums.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 39 10-10-2012 , 04:22 PM
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If you disregard some of the information Dom posted, he actually has some valuable insight.

I'm glad someone said this, thanks John, because it's very true.

Travis, it takes two to tango and you're not taking the high road on this one either. Which I get, because you can only take so much and he just ripped your work to pieces.

As outrageous as this might sound, have you thought about apologizing to him for what sparked this off to begin with and putting an end to it? Because Dom's a nice guy and he spends a lot of time helping people out around here, I'm quite sure that if you'd be the one to wave the white flag first he'd take you up on it.

For your "thanks for nothing, mods" comment I'll say this; being a mod on this site means helping people out (which they all go out of their way to do), not policing users around. We do not ban anyone on this forum because people are entitled to differ and like Dave mentioned, if it reaches the point where you can't stand someone there is the option to ignore it's there for a reason.

This is one of the friendliest CG forums you'll find, and if you go somewhere else I wish you the best of luck in the future. If not, get back to the point Dom made about adding an environment for reflections, tweaking a metal shader the way you're doing it now is a bit like painting in the dark user added image


# 40 10-10-2012 , 07:12 PM
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Reading through what has gone on here, it does seem there has been a lack of support, not only that, but some derogatory comments made about someone who just wants to learn how to get better. Criticism is the foundation on which improvement is made, at least when it's constructive.
Personal opinion plays no part, my old mother always said if you can't say something nice then don't say anything. In this instance I would suggest if you don't want to help then you should not post anything. No one is forcing anyone to read any of the forum posts.

I don't know all the details, but hopefully you two can make up with man hug and we can get back to the learning.
Even after twenty years in the industry I'm still learning new stuff all the time, I don't want to stop learning, some of us are just further down that path, so it's always great when those ahead can pass on the knowledge to those behind.

This has been to date, one of the friendlier places to do that.

# 41 10-10-2012 , 08:05 PM
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my old mother always said if you can't say something nice then don't say anything.

Mine said the same thing, I've been known to go for hours even days at work with my mouth shut user added image

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 42 10-10-2012 , 10:41 PM
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Why am I not suprised David LOL.

cheers bullet


"A Darkness at Sethanon", a book I aspire to model some of the charcters and scenes
# 43 11-10-2012 , 12:59 AM
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Reading through what has gone on here, it does seem there has been a lack of support, not only that, but some derogatory comments made about someone who just wants to learn how to get better.

Haha, I can only assume you are talking about me and what travis said to me. To tell you the truth the lack of support is not something I'm bothered about. user added image

[QUOTE=misterjackson;343018] I don't know all the details[\QUOTE]
Have a look through travis' other threads even before he had his computer pinched. I can't see where I was a particularly bad guy.

# 44 11-10-2012 , 12:57 PM
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Let's move on please.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 45 02-01-2013 , 03:47 PM
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