I know you've put a lot of work into choosing the claws and working out the model but i do have one critique for the front claws: they look a little wimpy compared to the rest of him.
I feel like such a ferocious beast would also have useable front claws to grasp and rip with - even a little apposeble claw cold give it a meaner look
I'm loving the side view - the front view seems to have a few weaknesses - it looks like the stance is wider in the side view and that the lower legs are further from the body than the knee joint - which would give it a more 'ready to pounce' look. Also in the side view the legs look wiry and in the front view they look to massive and planted. (to me...)
In the side view the head hangs menacingly from the neck whereas in the front view it looks like these big horns dominate and the head is on top of neck.
This all may be a little picky and I know it may not be 100percent clear but the main point is is that the frightening demon aspect which comes over so good in the side view doesn't make it to the front view - the side view is IT
Check out the subsurfacescattering on my tongue...
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