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# 31 11-04-2003 , 12:08 AM
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ooh that wud be interesting if it did, where did you see that?

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# 32 11-04-2003 , 12:22 AM
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hmm.. checked the "whats new in maya 5" pdf.... looks like it doesn't.. oh well... thanx for veryfin nem

# 33 11-04-2003 , 08:07 AM
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I think to make 2d aninmation is too easy in maya 5.

# 34 14-04-2003 , 02:47 PM
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Maya 5, MR does not do Fur, Fluids or Glows. It does do Paint Effects after you convert to polys and it also does S/W particles.

you can do glows by adding a MR custom shader to the material. but I cannot remember the name of that shader.

# 35 14-04-2003 , 02:52 PM
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???...maya unlimited is maya 5?
I have maya 4.5 unlimited..... I am a lil bit confused now

# 36 14-04-2003 , 07:23 PM
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Maya 5 is the software.
Maya Complete and Maya Unlimited are different packages of Maya 5. Maya Unlimited offers higher end features such as. Fluid Effects, Fur, cloth and Maya Live. None of these features are available in Maya Complete.

# 37 14-04-2003 , 07:42 PM
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mmh..I have maya 4.5 unlimited...there is fur,cloth,maya live and fluid effects,too and more stuff.
So whats the difference to 5?

# 38 14-04-2003 , 08:07 PM
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They have done a few updates to the fur and have added clumping to hair. whick allows you to give a very realistic wet fur look. They have also added a create pond whick uses spring meshes to simulate instead of voxels so the response is very fast. finally a wake emitter has also been added. You also get all the updates to Maya Complete.

# 39 14-04-2003 , 08:31 PM
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Vector rendering and flash export also.

# 40 15-04-2003 , 02:54 AM
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vector rendering is in the complete package also

# 41 15-04-2003 , 03:28 AM
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:o :o unlimited still isnt for a mac. i wonder how hard it could be to make it for the mac?!

:o :o

# 42 19-04-2003 , 01:23 AM
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I am going to this

REMINDER -- Club Maya CT
Maya 5.0 Announcement!

Wednesday, April 23rd

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Networking Hour
7:00pm - 9:00pm - MasterClass by Daryl Obert

Daryl Obert is an Application Engineer at Alias|Wavefront. He will be featuring the new version release -- Maya 5.0, along with answering various questions from the audience. Do you having a burning question related to Maya? Now is the time to ask an expert! Come join us as Daryl highlights Maya 5.0!

(Directions are also included in confirmation email)

2360 Main Street
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

I will let you guys know how it is thursdayuser added image :p

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# 43 19-04-2003 , 10:48 AM
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so, ummm.... can anyone enlighten me on what "vector rendering" is and what you'd use it for?

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# 44 21-04-2003 , 07:41 PM
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btw guys for all those who have emailed me about this release... It isnt being released till early may 2003 user added image

so hold ya horses user added image

# 45 21-04-2003 , 08:13 PM
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Vector based Rendering

Originally posted by -<{ JB }>-
so, ummm.... can anyone enlighten me on what "vector rendering" is and what you'd use it for?

Hey, JB

In Graphic Design -and imagery in general- you have two types of images, bitmaps and vector graphics.
  • Bitmaps are images composed of a pixel reticule, in which each pixel has a RGB value, thus creating a big mosaic of pixels. This mosaic when seen from a distance -In reality this is resolution dependant- form an image. If you resample a bitmap image to a higher size, since you can´t invent information from nothing you´ll notice the mosaic nature of these images.
    A perfect example of bitmaps imagery is found here in SM, as all the images are bitmap-type.
    Bitmaps editing applications are your common photo image editors, such as PhotoImpact, MS Paint, and the industry standard Adobe Photoshop.
  • Vector Graphics are images created by the use of mathematical formulas -thus the vector name, as they are governed by these mathematical principles-, which is why these are resolution independant. At whatever resolution you see them, they´ll look the same.
    These images can be seen in almost all the articles you have in your kitchen, house, car ... etc. They offer versatility in almost all aplications, they´re even used throughout the web -Flash images are vector based animations compressed for delivery on the Web-. Editing these images is quite similar to playing with curves in Maya, since the Bezier principles are almost the same -I say almost since I don´t know if Maya uses another type of mathematical curve-
    Most common vector editing applications are CorelDraw, Freehand, Flash ... and again an industry standard, Adobe´s Illustrator.
When you render an image in Maya, you´re actually rendering a bitmap image. Although this works perfectly for screen-delivered ads, movies etc, it starts to get cumbersome when used in printing industry -Since vector delivered images are easier to work with when printing and offer generally better results-. With all this said, you can see why vector rendering in Maya is spreading some ripples throughout the industry. This would make Maya work more or less for everybody, including ... us. Graphic Designers.

Some resources:
InfoNotes: Raster vs. Vector Images
Project Cool´s Graphic Zone

This should help some, user added image

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