oh crap, i think i forgot to have a specific enviroment for my vechicle, instead it is all terrain, is that extreme enough? Mine is an APC/ATV/Hover vehicle.
MODS will i be get a lower score so to say than a vehicle specifically designed for, lets say ICE?
This is how i see it, i just want to make sure that this won't come up last minute:
It is extreme to say the least. And I say has a specific purpose. This is transporting people through any type of enviroment, with the ability to EVEN hop a big wall, river, or a minefield if it wanted too! The ability to get something from anywhere to anywhere is a very useful and specific task.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 10-06-2003 at 03:44 AM.