haha love the expression on his face.. like he smelled something reaally bad.. and with a nose like his.. its gotta be killer..
putting in some final touches like chain from his neck to the fire Hydrant and create something for the background.
I was going to use dynamics and just let it fall but It was taking to long to simulate so I just duplicated them all.
Nice Roach. Ecxellent work on the.......uhhhhhh..........whatever!!!!! maybe add more bump for fingerprints, but what do I know.
working on background. still have a bit to work on. textures are not complete. Also, I'm not shooting for realism in the render.
Ive got to HAND it to ya, Your quite HANDY with the Maya... A real HANDS on guy.... Lets all put our HANDS together for .... ugg sorry about that Searously tho' its looking really nice. how did you do the leaves?