Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
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# 31 06-08-2003 , 04:45 PM
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Nice eyes in the vent :eek2:

# 32 07-08-2003 , 01:56 PM
^^TwEeK^^'s Avatar
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thanks man......

here's an update....jsut worked on a few lab accessories.....

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- TwEeK
# 33 07-08-2003 , 09:34 PM
Witchy's Avatar
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Looking good! I like that lighting effect. Is your bunsen burner glass? Rather cool.

How did you get the little flame effect?

# 34 08-08-2003 , 10:20 AM
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thanks man....
for the first i tried the fire effect ...but i couldnt really figure it i just got a flame shader for m highend3d

- TwEeK
# 35 08-08-2003 , 10:57 AM
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If you actually wanted to use the fire effect you could just select the bunsen and then click "create Fire". You can then just move the particle system so it's above the object ( you can scale, move and rotate the effect just like everything else user added image ). You can then just play around with the settings, either way I like the effect you have there. Your scene is coming along really well, are you thinking of adding textures to your final render?

# 36 08-08-2003 , 11:44 AM
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thanks man...ill try that out....
i probably will add some textures...but i kinda like the way it looks now,,,,

- TwEeK
# 37 11-08-2003 , 03:56 PM
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There are no sheets of paper with scribbles and notes on them and no chalkboard either?!?!?

# 38 11-08-2003 , 04:33 PM
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i thought of those as well and i will be adding the soon.....

i am getting my new comp tommorowuser added image !!!!
its a p-4 2.4G
Abit IS7-E (intel 865PE)
80 GB hardrive
Abit GEFORCE Ti 4200 128Mb

- TwEeK
# 39 13-08-2003 , 11:39 PM
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just added a few small things..nothing major...i hadnt had a lot of time to work on this.....

any suggestions?

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- TwEeK
# 40 14-08-2003 , 12:08 AM
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woo hoo - Tweek is tearing the joint up! very nice!

my 2cents worth of C+C is that things could look more "used". maybe you were going to do that with the textures later tho'

congrats on the new box

# 41 14-08-2003 , 12:50 AM
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Looks great Tweek. I agree with H, make it look more used and dirty. Also, I would probably tone down the shinyness a bit on the glass things, check a piece of glass in strong light for reference.

Björn 'santa' Fredriksson

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# 42 14-08-2003 , 12:28 PM
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howard - thanks man...i know its too clean...its just that i really dont know how to use i kinda have to find textures online.....

fredriksson - thanks, i toned the shinyness down a bit....better?

i just played a bit with kbrown's chain script..its really cool

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- TwEeK
# 43 14-08-2003 , 04:03 PM
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Tweek this is coming along great! Dude the ammount of effort you put into this scene already, the lighting and everything is superb. The only thing thats running through my mind is its like a kid took over his house and turned his moms kitchen into a science lab. I would roughin up those cabnets if not remodel them.. unless you are going for a kitchen/scientist look. Add more chains user added image. Keep it up though, great work.

As to the rest of you.. I have been quite busy and taken away from the computer because some old old friends came over to stay a couple nights and basically i have been spending all my time with them. So this is one of the few, if not the only post i will make in the challenge area for now. I'll be checkin out all your models (or most of em) later today, user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 44 14-08-2003 , 08:00 PM
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I agree with Moderator about the clean kitchen feel. Maybe the cabinets should be full of junk, some without cabinet doors even, and the space besides the cabinet could be occupied with book shelfs and stuff. Maybe add some blue prints and sketches about what kind of science project is he mad about.

I have the same problem as you with photoshop, it seems like there is no decent books or tutorials out there that completly explain the mystery behind texturing. Have you checked out a book call Digital Texturing and Painting by Owen Demers? It's one of the better ones out there, but I'm still looking for more.

# 45 14-08-2003 , 09:18 PM
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M - thansk man....i also felt that i had a kid of a kitcheny fell to it....i cahnged the cabinets a bit..better?

HappyLemon - you're right...i am going to add a lot of junks to it as soon as i get some time

here's just the update cabinets

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- TwEeK
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