Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 46 04-04-2007 , 05:04 PM
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What a disasterous day,

I wasted most of it trying to mask out another student to kill but to no avail, they just keep on running in front of each other creating problems with rotoscoping, PAH!

I gave up in the end and decided to utilise the light spill and grading tutorials that Farbtopf kindly pointed to.

HERE'S the fruits of my labour (right click and save). Despite the quality of the image there should be some discernible difference to the previous vid.

I'm stuck as to what to do for the killing spree bit at the end! If only a couple of other students had fallen over and pretended to be dead, always in hind sight eh!

Arran: I had to check out the source footage to make sure that I hadn't done something crazy to the lads top half but that's how it is in there too, MUTANT!

Neo: I've done some more animation to the skeleton in Maya, it follows the student much better now.

Anyway, all of your thoughts are, as usual, much appreciated.



Last edited by happymat27; 04-04-2007 at 05:28 PM.
# 47 04-04-2007 , 05:11 PM
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May I complement on the spectacular acting abilites of your fellow students...?


# 48 04-04-2007 , 05:15 PM
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looks much more "there" your UFO. Nice little trick the light spill, isn't it? And to comfort you, you are no the only one who had a day with lots of time wasted.user added image


# 49 04-04-2007 , 05:39 PM
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the little fix with the skeleton looks much better, follows the person getting vaperised(spelling) user added image

"May I complement on the spectacular acting abilites of your fellow students...?"

lol yeah ... :p

# 50 04-04-2007 , 06:19 PM
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hey mat, wow, pretty dam gud there. i thought u said u hadn't used after effects before?! i havent even started CGFX yet, im so behind. got loads stil to do 4 maya anim, havent even started animating yet. like the spaceship when it hits the thing on the roof!hehe

# 51 05-04-2007 , 12:35 AM
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M8, it's definitely getting there! The skeleton tracks better now - nice job. However, the UFO interior seems a little dark. Perhaps remove the color grading from this shot as it's a different environment to the outside shots. It's a shame that you cannot add something else to the 2nd interior screen like a computer readout or etc.

The final shot is a tricky one to sort. I had a thought about adding a virtual cam track to 1st add a little drama but mainly to help re-direct the audience attention away from the victims in the crowd. This way you can vaporise someone and pan to opposite side and shoot again.

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios

Last edited by tiddles; 05-04-2007 at 05:46 AM.
# 52 05-04-2007 , 03:27 AM
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lol love the commotion in the backround dave user added image espeically when people get vaperised into thin air, nice ...

# 53 05-04-2007 , 07:08 AM
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yea mate, same one, I was surprised I got through that too, all I did was add a layer of fizzle (explosion, point light, alpha) the same way you did the skeleton.., worked for me

man you are kicking arse user added image I dig the way the saucer seems to be itself alive (then there is the cabin).., great imagination mate. seems thats what its all about once you have the skills, and you got 'em!

grading is another skill that will come when needed, the skills just keep coming..,

take it easy and life will be easy
# 54 05-04-2007 , 07:38 AM
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Hey there Jen,

before 2 weeks ago I had never touched After Effects, posting on forums and getting crit for your work really helps you progress. People always point out worth while tutorials too, the one that Farbtopf posted about light spill is a real winner!

I still need to do a bunch of work on this and my Computer Animation project (doesn't that needs to be submitted pretty soon, better get my skates on!)

Good luck with your stuff, I'd be interested to see what you've got so far.

Mirek: thanks for the compliments, I've still got a long way to go though!

Take it easy,


# 55 05-04-2007 , 06:12 PM
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by the way, that wasnt me on the seat, I was he one walking toward the seat, hair is longer

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# 56 08-04-2007 , 06:28 PM
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matt, whats your website address, I tried to find it to see if you had done more but i cant find it in google?

take it easy and life will be easy
# 57 08-04-2007 , 06:33 PM
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mirek - Last time I heard from Mat, he said he was goin away for a few days - so he may not reply for a bit. But all the links he posted in this thread point to -

"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

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# 58 08-04-2007 , 07:27 PM
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hey thanks there tiddles, take care mate user added image it said 'site under construction' but the lettering was a glow green so it wasn't a complete waste of time user added image

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# 59 10-04-2007 , 12:18 AM
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I think i saw the next de Niro in your movie:p
it looks nice, manuser added image

# 60 14-04-2007 , 11:40 PM
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Hello again,

it's been a while since my last post but I've pretty much got this one finished now. The soundtrack is definately a work in progress (half an hour and the sounddogs website later!!).

Mirek, I've still not got round to finishing my website proper, you can still access the hair and fur mini site through the link though, I just really use it as a dump for large images or videos.

RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE (a pretty hefty 6.8Meg) to see the video. Apologies for the quality but you should get the idea.

Any thoughts and crit are always gratefully recieved,



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