@twisteddragon33: Well, I've added a new floor to the new Renders, so hopefully things will be easier to see.
@Mirek03: Thanks, Your a good guy! 
Well, these are not the finals...... Yeah thats right I'm STILL trying to get a nice render setup going!
Plus I'm having a whole lot of issues with my computer, and/or Mental Ray! (not sure which is the culprit yet.)
Anyway, Any time I try and Render my scene with the Displacement Maps applied to my tires.... Mental Ray Crashes! It just stops dead!.... End Of Render! I've tried turning on/off the FG, and the GI.... I've tried playing with the AA settings.... You name it... Still nothing! But when i Render the tire on It's own. It works fine! One of my friends said that it could be a Memory/Graphics issue (basically... My computer is too weak to render such a large scene.)
Now this shouldn't be a problem for too much Longer, as I'm going to be modeling the tire, But I also get this issue when I put an HDRI image in the scene.
So if any of your Maya Freaks, have any suggestions... PLEASE let me know! I can't Render My final shot, without these vital features!!!
Anyway, Heres a couple of renders I've done. Just basically played around with a few different setups, and other junk like that.
Dark Studio Render (with lights on, as requested):

Light Studio Render (with new Primer style Paint applied) With Stripes!!! Whoo!

And one last one for all you Transformers Fans!!!!!:

I wish I could post bigger images :headbang: These small ones don't do the renders justice!
I have all of these Rendered out at 1200x1000 But the Forum rules say they have to be relatively small!.... O'well!
C&C More than Welcome!
These aren't my final Renders..... There more like fun Renders! While I try and figure out whats wrong with my computer/Mental Ray!
"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
Last edited by Mayaniac; 22-01-2008 at 07:26 PM.