Yeah I was and still am inspired by comic book artists Todd Mcfarlane, Greg Capullo & Jim Lee.

orgeeizm, what do you mean useing maya to bring my drawings to life? Do you mean for modleing referent Or do you mean really bring my comic to life?
I'm very new to the 3d world, and maya is the one I pick to get started.

As for comic book style 3d, I have done one for a game character, take a look:
This is the comcept art # 3 of 2d art above, enjoy.
About 6,000 poly
More here:
Closes up of face
WIP legs
WIP back
I live in a very small town called florence oregon usa, and as far as i'm aware no one even dose 3d art here. I'm knowing for my art here almost by everyone. And i've been here for about 15 years now, and i'm sure I would of know some one by now.