Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 46 10-06-2003 , 04:49 PM
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Originally posted by HAL 9000
I hate those hypocrites who say they hate microsoft even though they keep running windows. Switch to linux or something poeople! I've heard good about lindows.

Well, i dont hate Microsoft, but i'm not a M$ fanboy. Windows is just a decent OS. Plus i dont know jack about Unix & Lnix. You wanna bash my guest, hell i'll join yer user added image

Yeah, but no but yeah but no....
# 47 10-06-2003 , 06:10 PM
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Originally posted by Kevin
kari, I wouldnt worry about that to much! This trhead went of topic around the 3rd post user added image

Hehehe... the 3rd post was mine user added image

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# 48 10-06-2003 , 06:19 PM
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Darn you K-man!!! hehe... j/k user added image

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 49 13-06-2003 , 10:49 AM
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Mind you, 'iMaya' has a certain ring to it... user added image

(That'll put the cat amoung the pigeons!)

Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 50 13-06-2003 , 11:57 AM
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damn you mr gazz..... I was hoping that this post was slowly sinking away from the limelight!

user added image

# 51 13-06-2003 , 01:50 PM
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Apple aint that bad!

Actually I have been itching to write this... I use both Macs and PCs and I like features from both platforms but I would like to say a few things in Apple's defence... perhaps I like a fight? user added image

Apple don't neccessarily destroy applications when they buy them, if you think about it Apple has more resources than AW so there would possily be more room for improvement - I don't think it would end up being iMaya somehow, its too prestigious and thoroughbred for that. Apple might actually improve it!

I also very much doubt they would make it Apple Only since they would loose money, FI most Maya users as this forum shows are PC users. I know people sighed when Apple bought Shake but I don't know whether they buggered that up cos I know nothing about Shake. I do know that Final Cut Pro is one hell of an application and used by many happy professional TV and Film people - addmittedly Mac only.

Another little Apple wonder is QuickTime - couldn't live without it it is MUCH better than M$ pile of shit Windows Media Player without doubt! It may not work quite so well on the Windows platform because M$ won't let it.

Now for operating Systems. Windows ME, 98 and 95 - Mickey Mouse and I would rather use Mac 0S 9 any day - don't belive me why don't AW, Softimage and Discreet make there software run under those operating systems. Yes, I know they don't write them for OS 9 either but OS 9 is so much easier to fix than Windows ME, 98 and 95. ElectricImage was OS9 only for a while and that was one of the top FX packages used by Hollywood and still is. Don't believe me look at their website. Example Windows 98 goes down the pan you have to rebuild the machine... OS9 goes down the pan do a clean install and just drag your old setting over - done! Much easier. Turn control panels and extensions on and off to avoid conflicts easy.

OK now for the heavy weight OS's Win2K - love it nice and stable better track record than XP but I think that its getting better. Now you cannot slate OSX that is just as heavy weight as Win2k - it's UNIX for christ sake and that has a proven track record been around longer than bloody NT. It does have features to make it easier to use, remember OS's are made so that people not so computer literate can use them - look at the mickey mouse windows icons they always look like kiddy things.

Now hardware. Yes, macs are slower I don't care if they are Multiprocessor savvy but with the advent of the 970 chip that will change... a bit user added image . Anyway by the time you have configured your PC with twin Xeon processors and a Quadro Graphics card with all the bells and whistles you have spent £4-5k anyway. And that would give you a pro machine and its more expensive than any current mac.

As for iMacs they are not meant to be that upgradable that anyway, they are ment for home use 'Fun' to use etc. If you want a more pro Mac get one a desktop system that will work better with several monitors better than a PC for which some programs cannot get the hang of multiple monitors anyway. OK, so a Mac isn't upgradable as a PC, so presuming you know how to build a computer (I do and have) get your home PC and upgrade it by taking out the logic board the memory and all the other bits and... Oh bollocks I might as well have bought a new PC it would have been easier! This driver doesn't work with this, and that driver doesn't work with that - a proprietary machine (Dell, Apple etc) will give you less headaches. I know I've been there!

Rant(?) over I am not slating PCs here just giving a little support to Apple and if you want a three button mouse for a Mac go and buy one they do exist.

I will continue to use both platforms but I prefer Mac… at the moment!

That's started a war!

Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 52 13-06-2003 , 06:17 PM
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# 53 13-06-2003 , 07:50 PM
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That was SOOO fricken great!!!

I have to deal with that crap EVERYDAY!

...and at the end of the day, I'm JUST like him... crying on the floor like a baby wondering why (insert deity of choice here) has forsaken me!!! hehe...

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 54 14-06-2003 , 04:13 AM
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None of this is directed at any specific person, so please don't get all bent out of shapeuser added image

...just wanted to fuel Gazz's war a bit. hehe...
No offence meant at all dude.

Apple don't neccessarily destroy applications when they buy them.

--Um, ok, then where's my support for my copy of Shake?
OOOPS! they don't support pc users... dam.
I guess you are right.
They don't destroy the software, ...they destroy the users.

I also very much doubt they would make it Apple Only since they would loose money, FI most Maya users as this forum shows are PC users. I know people sighed when Apple bought Shake but I don't know whether they buggered that up cos I know nothing about Shake. I do know that Final Cut Pro is one hell of an application and used by many happy professional TV and Film people - addmittedly Mac only.

--That's what folks kept saying when Apple bought shake, and Apple waited till pc users bought up a bunch of pc copies, then dropped the bomb that support for pc users would not exist. user added image

Oh, and btw, it's not the fault of SM that most users here are pc Maya users.
That's just the way it is.

Another little Apple wonder is QuickTime

--Are you serious? LOL!

(Quicktime) is MUCH better than M$'s pile of shit Windows Media
Player without doubt!

--For playing stuff on a mac, of course it is.
It's the native mac-media player. surprise there.

Just like Windows Media Player runs nativly on a Windows machine, and spanks Quicktimes fat, jiggly booty every time, out of the box.

It (Apple Quicktime) may not work quite so well on the Windows
platform because M$ won't let it.

--again... so sad that people assume things that they do not fully

Care to PROVE where exactly you got your information on that?

...didn't think souser added image hehe.. booohahha! j/k

That's like saying the WM player may not work quite so well on the Mac platform because Apple won't let it......

Now for operating Systems. Windows ME, 98 and 95 is Mickey Mouse and I would rather use Mac 0S 9 any day

--LOL! what the hell are people doing trying to run Maya on

Or, are they telling us that they can afford Maya,
but that darn qualified os is just too darn expensive???

I mean really! Where do they get this crap???

First of all, Maya was NEVER qualified to run on those os's in the first place!!!
Check the A|W Hardware guide:

don't belive me?
why don't AW, Softimage and Discreet make there software run under those operating systems.

--Um, see the above statements...

ElectricImage was OS9 only for a while and that was one of the top FX packages used by Hollywood and still is. Don't believe me look at their website.

--What's your point with saying that?

OK now for the heavy weight OS's

--Oh, you mean the OS's that are QUALIFIED to run Maya?, thanks.

Win2K - love it nice and stable better track record than XP but I
think that its getting better.


Now you cannot slate OSX that is just as heavy weight as Win2k - it's UNIX for christ sake.. and that has a proven track record been around longer than bloody NT.

--So why are you stating this then?
Is there something that scares you? booohahahah!

Now hardware. Yes, macs are slower I don't care if they are
Multiprocessor savvy but with the advent of the 970 chip that will
change... a bit user added image

--and as usual, a few minutes after that chip is announced, (or even right before), a competing pc chip puts Apple back in the slow spot again for another 3-4 years.

Anyway by the time you have configured your PC with twin Xeon processors and a Quadro Graphics card with all the bells and whistles you have spent £4-5k anyway.

--You do not SERIOUSLY believe that do you?

Courtesy of the local shop down my street:

2 Pentium® 4 2.4G Xeon procs with 512K Built-in Level 2 Cache

Nvidia Quadro 4 750XGL, 128MB DDR

hmmmm..... after the bells and whistles that I wanted, my cost was about $2500 US. (including 2 gigs of ddr ram!)

And that would give you a pro machine and its more expensive than any current mac.

--again, see above... proven wronguser added image

As for iMacs they are not meant to be that upgradable that anyway, they are ment for home use 'Fun' to use etc.

Who brought up using an Imac for Maya???

Rant(?) over.... I am not slating PCs here....

--Yes you areuser added image

[i]I will continue to use both platforms but I prefer Mac… at the

--And I'll prefer my pc forever. booohahaha!

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 55 14-06-2003 , 08:05 AM
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I used to be a Mac fanatic. Still have a soft spot for Apple... but I am not stupid to see the facts anymore. PC gives much bettter bang for the money. Actuall a BIG BANG!!!! Apple has got the right idea when it comes to design and some of it's software like FCP, the iapplications but hey like Kevin always says for the price of 1 Mac I could build 3 descent PC's and run all the software in the world.

If Apple gets Maya I would be reallly pissed off specially when I am about to spend my hard earned cash on Maya 5 for PC. I would hate to start from scratch with a new application like Max. Can't stand Max I want MAYA!!! to be on PC for ever. Unless Apple becomes the leader and gets 90% of the market share and has the best bang for the money hardware....and then I woke up.

# 56 14-06-2003 , 09:58 AM
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...just wanted to fuel Gazz's war a bit. hehe...

Oh bugger just when I thought I was winning the war - WOT WAR? IT'S A HEATED DEBATE! user added image - Rage comes back a shoots me down in tatters...

But I'll be back? for the next round! Ain't got time yet, busy working on my defence user added image

One question though before I go: 'So why do Apple bother, why don't M$ just buy them up for complete world domination? Is it cos of US Law?'

Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
# 57 14-06-2003 , 10:20 AM
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he just loves a mac debate!!

user added image

still its great as it least its not always me and adldesigner user added image

# 58 14-06-2003 , 12:53 PM
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Heh, Rage on! I think my biggest issue with Apple is what Rage mentioned about them buying a company then dropping all PC support. They did this last year with E-magic and left thousands of pc-based Logic Audio users, myself included, in the dust. Their only choice....stick with the last pc version of the software with no support or switch to a competitor such as Steinberg, makers of Cubase. It pissed off alot of people and IMHO, generated a pretty heavy dislike towards Apple. I guess their thinking is that they're up against the MS monolith so they have to do whatever they can to keep afloat, at the expense of the customer, unfortunately.

In general, Macs have always been designed more for Artists/Musician types....PCs just kinda caught on and ran with it and now are equal (or dare I say better?). Pretty cutthroat stuff. I'll stick with my PC, though...I may be lost when it comes to future Logic updates but at least the version they left on was top-notch and allows me to do what I need to do....though, it still burns my butt when I think of the money I spent on the software and now there's no support.

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# 59 14-06-2003 , 03:15 PM
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Orriginally posted by Gazzamataz
One question though before I go: 'So why do Apple bother, why don't M$ just buy them up for complete world domination? Is it cos of US Law?'

Yes MS would then be considerd a Monopoly and would fall under goverment regulations(Control) That is why several years back MS gave Apple A few million dollars.

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# 60 14-06-2003 , 05:18 PM
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GREAT points all of you!

Gaz, Slick, 3DJoe, Nitro, ...and yes, of course, you too Kevuser added image hehe...

Like I've said in other threads, "to each his own".
And like Mike said, "Whatever works for YOU".

I was just doing some spring-cleaning on my pc (surprise, surprise), and I saw that Gaz made some good points, and since I was getting frustrated while on a mac at work at the time, I just thought I would vent a little bituser added image

ALL of you have VERY good and valid points, and I'm glad that we can all poke a liitle fun at each other and not loose track of the reason we are all here....

...and that is to better ourselves with our common weapon... MAYA.

Long live A|W.

See you all around the boards!

PS, in case you all might be wondering, I'm working on a 2-3 week web project at the moment for my boss, but when I'm done, I'm looking forward to making a BUNCH of tutorials! see you then!

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
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