Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 61 05-09-2005 , 03:45 AM
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Its hard to show, but here he is fully rigged. With custom attributes set for hands, kneck, back, and feet.

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 62 05-09-2005 , 03:56 AM
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and also heres a wire of the head. The kneck needs some tidy up

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 63 05-09-2005 , 03:30 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 274
very impressive! i cant wait till i learn how to do blend shapes (i take it your using that for the mouth movements? (i know nothing about this stuff yet), great stuff!

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

# 64 05-09-2005 , 04:36 PM
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Yes im using blend shapes for all the facial animation. But i think i have to redo them all over again, because i have started texureing and for some reason the uv arent following the deformation, which is screwing up my textureing.
Heres the texturing ive started. No specular or fancy stuff like that yet. oh i did add a bump map though.

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 65 05-09-2005 , 04:38 PM
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i think his lips are too pink, looks like lipstick :p

Last edited by matt4068; 05-09-2005 at 04:40 PM.
# 66 05-09-2005 , 06:25 PM
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Hey Antiant

I was just going to comment on you redoing some blends shapes as alot of them are not correct. The majority of them seem a little shapeless and the lips lack thickness, especially the mouth wide and vowels, they stood out a mile as soon as I looked at the post with them on.With the amount of time you are spending on this you should really go the extra distance with those, more so now you are doing the hypereal style of texture too.

As for your textures not fitting did you do the uvs before or after binding the mesh? If they were done after then this is the problem, you are getting a 'swimming' effect. If not then you need to get in there detach the skin and adjust them. Adjusting them is more of a pain to do once the skin is bound.

If I can help any further give me a shout

# 67 06-09-2005 , 01:27 AM
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Hi guys, yep i agree with all the crits. I will work with the lips both thinkness and colour. Its probably a good thing i have to redo the blend shapes, cause i always seem to do a better job the second time round user added image
I actually havent done any binding of the skin at all yet. To do the blend shapes i detached the head, and then did the modification to it with all the shapes. Then once i had all the blend shapes done, i reattached the head and then did the uv mapping.
It really strange how the uvs dont follow the blend shapes. So this time im going to do the blend shapes after i have done the complete mapping for the body.
Also i havent had much experience with uv mapping, so if you know of a good tut online, preferably a free one user added image cause im broke. That would be a huge help. I dont want too go to much
future to find out i have made a huge mistake..

Also, does anyone know how i can delete my history and keep blend shapes. Cause i cant see why it cant be done? I dont want to animate with history as long as texas user added image
All, thanks for your interest.

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 68 06-09-2005 , 06:33 AM
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You jewish by any chance? Haha. Kiding with you. Very nice atension to detail. No crits yet. Awsome work so far.

# 69 06-09-2005 , 07:04 AM
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As I said, dont attach the head before doing uv mapping, this is why its not working correctly.

Deleting the history on the model with blend shapes will delete them as they are part of the 'history' on the model. If there are extra nodes on each shape before you do blends then delete those but not once you do them.


# 70 07-09-2005 , 08:17 AM
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hey man, your work is coming along very nicely.
i am working on a model. i just finished modeling yesterday. now, i will make facial controls for it. to make blendshapes, i usually make clusters of the face vertices, and then re-model them to make the different expressions needed for the blendshapes. i know this is not the proper way, and it also does not give me proper results. i think i should be using wires in some way; but i don't exactly know how. i use wires for the eyebrows, but the biggest proble of course, is mouth.
so, can you please show how you have made controls for your face? and can you also please explain it a bit?

# 71 07-09-2005 , 08:25 AM
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Hi utpal
I used to use clusters and weight them to make my differnt faces. But now mostly i just use the 'soft modification tool'. If you have maya 6 or later you will have this tool. Then just change the fallof rate, in the setting for the tool. This is so much quicker than useing cluster and gives you more control i feel, for the fallof is easy to change.
But as for opening the mouth, you wont have a chance by useing this tool. I still use the clusters, weight. I guess you know about using the smooth too when your painting weights on the cluster. Just get the general area weighted, then click onto smooth, and just push flood a couple of times. This will give you a nice smooth deformation. Also, you may use a lattice to get some of the facial movements.

But all in all, the soft mod, tool is my saviour user added image

hopes this helps a little. Oh and if you happen to know anything about the process of mapping uv body, please dont be shy, and let me know. Im desprete for some help.


There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 72 07-09-2005 , 04:20 PM
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i knew the soft modification tool, but i didn't figure that i could use it to make facial expressions!!
i tried it out. and though, i haven't made anything final yet, the results seem very promising indeed.
you know working with maya, at times you come across hurdles that you just can't get over.. :headbang:
and then, when you find the solution; it all seems so clear... it seems so simple that you just can't understand why you couldn't figure it out sooner....
so, thanks a lot buddy. :bow:
really appreciate that.
sorry though i can't help you out with your UV problem. i am not so good with textures. i just select faces, and apply materials with colors....
also, i am really interested in seeing how your model deforms when you move the arms, legs, spine and neck....
keep up the good work, and keep posting your updates...

# 73 08-09-2005 , 11:00 PM
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Hi everyone
Ive been working on the body, and some of the head. The body is nearly completley texutred. I will upload it later.

Well, my head has bump and spec, yet to get a transluence map on , and also i want to add more fine details like more wrinkles. Also i need to do the upper eyelasses. actually the eyebrows are just photos, at the moment, but im going to replace them with painteffects probably. The hair im thinking about modeling with polys then adding a transparency map to make it more fine.

Crits welcome user added image

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There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 74 08-09-2005 , 11:45 PM
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Wow! That looks really good! My crits probably would be that he reflects. Especially around the shoulder, but I know you probably will fix that. And, his eyes are a bit too reflective, so he looks almost like he's crying.

Cheers, user added image
,Matt user added image

# 75 09-09-2005 , 12:03 AM
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awsome texturing job man. its a pretty nice model.keep up the good work.user added image

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