Be nice to know how you fake it as I borrowed the camera and he`s a pain to get it off him, I've never made an hdri because i don't have a wide enough lens. I usually fake them or use a 16bit tif.
you might find that when using fg, the use background shader will pick up some bounce.
Your shadows aren't going to show if hardly at all in that render because of the direction of the light source. It's hitting your models straight on, and at a high angle. Reflections are simple. Just make a blinn, or phong, and apply it to a simple cylinder. Scale the cylinder to match the with, size, and angle of your real table, and make it transparent. Adjust the attributes to match the reflections of the real table. Render your scene and comp in photoshop.Maya will not render a shadow layer for me. At first I thought it was because I was using mental ray shadders but even on simple lambuts its not doing it. Tried render layers and the render passes both not working. As you can see from my comp I need to get some shadows in there and some reflections.