Chavfister: Thank you so much for the help! I think unreal uses c# or C++ but I think udk might only give you access to java stuff but not sure. I'll look into. I will probably do very little coding though, if any. I have two friends who are IT professionals and extremely good with java and c#, C++, and some others. I'm not sure how willing they will be to do any coding for this ds9 project though since it's just a temporary test/learning project. Since it's ds9, it's not really ours if you know what I mean.
SilverFeather: That's totally awesome of you for testing all that stuff out. I'm axious to play around with it now but only for fun. I think I might have had a once in a lifetime game idea that could potentially crank up the gaming industry up a notch but it doesn't have any special gravity requirements. But again, I still appreciate all the help and effort you've put into this. I'm glad it's for your own benefit too