Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 61 10-04-2003 , 01:35 AM
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Are you going to be finishing this challenge with me jklaroe? Hope so user added image.. we have until friday user added image, i must double efforts... lol.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 62 10-04-2003 , 06:57 AM
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Ok, finally I have started on the inners of the beast user added image. Anyways, heres a small update, still a lot of time though at my speed user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 63 10-04-2003 , 07:13 AM
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oh wow thats gonna be AWESOME! I love that movie. Don't forget to model the little red buttonuser added image

What kinda texture is that? i see you guys use it alot, it just looks really good for modeling

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# 64 10-04-2003 , 07:15 AM
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Oooh, you dont know of Gi_joe plugin? :O. Well, i dont know the exact website name.. but go to search on this forum, and search for GI_JOE. It should bring you up a few things on it, and its a global illumination script that adds tons of directional lights to a scene. Then you pick a color along with other settings and then render out. What you see above is the default lambert shader (grey) and then i have the default GI_Joe settings on. Its really handy. So its not a texture, just lots of lighting. user added image, and thanks for the reply. I will be working on this a lot tommorow and friday user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 65 10-04-2003 , 03:06 PM
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The site where you can get GI_Joe is

M : Go and turn off "recieve shadows" on your BASE mesh if you are using CPS...

Carsten Lind
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# 66 11-04-2003 , 12:04 AM
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Hey caligraphics, thanks for the tip user added image.. just, one problem. Where is receive shadows and what is CPS user added image. And my base mesh? Sorry man, i have just been strictly trying to learn modelling user added image. Can anyone answer this? Thanks user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 67 11-04-2003 , 02:24 AM
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I'm guessing on this one but maybe select your guh, and press CTRL A?? user added image


# 68 11-04-2003 , 02:57 AM
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Thanks emo! That was exactly what the problem was user added image. Anyways, I just did that to the model, but this is a render before i turned receive shadows off.... tell me what you think please... C&C welcome, Its still not done, but if you could say what you think needs tweaking that would be great user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 69 11-04-2003 , 03:16 AM
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Here is my final render. Sorry that it's not as good as your's M. but I tried my best and I hope you do the same.

# 70 11-04-2003 , 03:20 AM
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Hah, no man.. i love what you have done! This gun is great for the gun you had to model. I chose a really hard and complicated gun that just took a ton of time user added image.. lol. Thankyou though user added image. We shall see.. you will be the winner if i cant get the final render in :O. I like your render, it came out really nice user added image. Cya man, thanks for the battle.. i learned a lot in the process. Next time you make up the challenge user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 71 11-04-2003 , 03:38 AM
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Looks really good M. only thing I have noticed is your smothing is a little ruf on the edges of the shell of the gun.. but other than that doing great. just still missing some peaces.. have done a good job with the ref you had to work with. '

would like to see a wire frame of it now whill its open.

# 72 11-04-2003 , 04:30 AM
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Thanks pony user added image.. yea i am going to try to smooth that all out, it doesnt actually have any smooth modifier on the shell atm... i just rendered out the basic image. I will have to tweak it though, as it it a bit crude. Thats what happened with my robot in the futuristic robot challenge, it was like a low poly model, but worse.. and with 4 times as many polys :O... not good user added image. BTW, heres that wireframe user added image. It is only half of the model, as when the other half is also there... it gets too messy user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 73 11-04-2003 , 04:51 AM
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Poly count is 2949 faces so far :O, and that is an updated version of what you see above. So, poly count isnt too high so far user added image. If you see anything that you dont like, please post and let me know user added image. C&C welcome

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 74 11-04-2003 , 06:05 AM
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Hey, sorry for the spurts of updates, i usuallly just update once a day or 2 times a day, but today has been great for me, i had a ton of time and i really got hooked. Each time i thought i was going to wrap up, i posted and then decided ten minutes later that i wanted to continue user added image. Anyways, its later at night here, and i need some sleep.. so here is the final render for the day. Its a refrence image to show you how much more really has to be added on user added image. This challenge will be just the model (which i will finish for tommorow night) and then after that i will bring it to WIP and texture it user added image. Ok, g'night.. C&C welcome as always.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 75 11-04-2003 , 07:00 AM
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wow guys!!!! thats great work and I must say M - I didnt know you had it in you user added image

so Both you final renders right?

Do you want me to open a poll?

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