Rage m8 first I don't know squat about Shake but I can understand you and NitroLiq getting the hump with Apple when they drop the PC version, this I cannot understand surely they would make more money supporting the PC as well?
Oh, and btw, it's not the fault of SM that most users here are pc Maya users.
Hey man I got no problem with that I was just trying to defend Apple a bit...
Another little Apple wonder is QuickTime
Care to PROVE where exactly you got your information on that?
Personal experience m8. I will stand by what I said about Quicktime - although I do use the Pro version
. I can use it to add filters, resize movies, export movies using a plethora of codecs, cut and paste movies into other movies or frames into photoshop, it works much better in Director than *.AVI. I can open a movie and it will tell me the frame rate, codec, tracks used, data rate etc. If Windows Media Player can do that then please tell me which version and how cos I have never found a way.
. And yes I agree M$ will make Media player for the Mac not so good and Apple will probably make Quicktime not so good on the PC. I know I have them both on both platforms!
Now for operating Systems. Windows ME, 98 and 95 is Mickey Mouse and I would rather use Mac 0S 9 any day
--LOL! what the hell are people doing trying to run Maya on
No, no, no, NOOOOO! I wasn't saying that, what I was saying is that Maya needs a relaible OS to run on hence OSX or Win2K or XP. That's my point these are GOOD, SOLID operating systems. The bit about Electric Image is that it was used under OS 8/9 with results and is a Professional 3D package that produces serious results i.e. a Mac can do it and is used for it.
2 Pentium® 4 2.4G Xeon procs with 512K Built-in Level 2 Cache
Nvidia Quadro 4 750XGL, 128MB DDR
Wow! The trouble here is that your shop is in the US... Those prices convert to stirling here so it doesn't come out so cheap for us Brits. I have only seen those Quadro cards here starting from £800 or so the cost of a PC or a Mac...
the same goes for the Xeon processors. The prices I was quoting are from reading magazine reviewing PC workstations. Most people wouldn't want to build there own systems - IT CAN BE A REAL HEADACHE I KNOW I HAVE DONE IT.
Belive me I would be buying that sort of configuration right now if they were the prices here. This leads me to the discussion about OSX anyway. I do like it and prefer it to Windows, and Macs are slower than PC's not so much Apple's fault more Motorola. I personally would love to see Macs using Xeon, Athlon and Pentium (?) Processors and OSX running on them WOW now that would be COOL!!!
Anyway, perhaps I was having a go at PCs but then everyone else here was having a go at Macs so raspppppppppp!!!!!!
Love and kisses to all Maya users whatever platform you use just let your imaginations flow whatever box you sit in front of ? GazzaAppleMacTosh
P.S. I would not like Apple to get its mits on A/W it would spoil it. Read the article in the July issue of 3D World by Craig Zerouni (pg 12) very interesting!
Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...
Last edited by gazzamataz; 16-06-2003 at 08:22 AM.