Sorry I havent been active in a long while. I see everyone else talking about the industry and there time served so I figure I should post mine too.
I schooled myself in 3d for 4 years right here on this board and others like it. Went and got a job in the toy industry then used my CAD and prototype experience to improve production with Maya. That was definatly my lucky break #1. After that, I went into home design with a couple of people and made a bit of money freelancing. Now, I'm working with a few films in post. Still freelancing for the toy company once and a while just so I can play with star wars stuff.
I guess I can say that I didnt make my career in 3D, but rather, 3D made my career(s) better. Theres money out there to be made, go get it.
Oh and PS. SimplyMaya, IOU one.
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And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning,
E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
--TOOL, 10,000 Days---