Any advice would be greatly appreciated - and BTW - I think you should definitely put together a tutorial

whats this??? quoting myself, i hit the wrong button, what i was going to say is , in 3D world a few months back there was a great video tut on tracking and integrating from Maya to motion builder, to boujou, to Maya again (in 3 parts). It might still be available or maybe on the web somewhere? (I mean like digi tuts site or 3D world site or pixar or somewhere like that.) It was a real eye opener for me and i have kind of aspired to do it but no time, maybe the holidays or some thing. I am still trying to figure where to get the data for the camera like focal length, film back and that sort of thing, I think you have to go to the dealer or something like that for lens distortion and all the fiddly bits, or is that not so necessary as they say??Originally posted by mirek03
I might be wrong and this is a question not a statement, but isn't AE7 a better tracker than Maya live anyway? it seems ironic changing an AVI in after effects to an image file and then exporting it to Maya when you can track inccredibly well from After effects anyway?? I might have my terminology mixed up, i suspect i do.