Here's my render, not sure why it renders like that with skylight.
Rendered in maya...

Rendered in indigo with skylight...

global proc abWin() { window -title "About Maya -> Indigo" -h 200 -w 300 -sizeable false; columnLayout; text -label "About Maya -> Indigo" -w 300 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center" ; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Creators:" -w 300 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; text -label "Matt B. (mostly)" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Arne OOG" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; separator -w 300; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Copyright © 2006" -w 300 -align "center"; showWindow; } window -title "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -h 600 -w 400 -menuBar true -sizeable false; menu -label "Edit" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Save Settings"; menuItem -label "Reset Settings"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Close" -command "closeWindow"; menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true; menuItem -label "About Maya -> Indigo..." -command "abWin"; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; text -label "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -w 390 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; tabLayout; shelfLayout Materials; shelfButton -annotation "Diffuse Shader" -image1 "commandButton.xpm"; shelfButton -annotation "Phong Shader" -image2 "commandButton.xpm"; shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image3 "commandButton.xpm"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Lights; shelfButton -annotation "Physical Sky" -image1 "commandButton.xpm" -command "sphere -r 0.5 -n Sun;"; shelfButton -annotation "Sky Light" -image2 "commandButton.xpm"; shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image3 "commandButton.xpm"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Misc; setParent ..; setParent ..; //Settings frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Render Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; checkBox -label "Metropolis" -align "center"; checkBox -label "Pathtracing" -align "center"; checkBox -label "Bidirectional" -align "center"; separator -w 390 -h 12; optionMenu -label "Logging"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; setParent ..; setParent ..; frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Environment" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; checkBox -label "Physical Sky" -align "center"; checkBox -label "Sky Light" -align "center"; separator -w 390 -h 12; checkBox -label "HDR map" -align "center"; attrNavigationControlGrp -l "HDR file"; setParent ..; setParent ..; button -w 390 -h 30 -label "Generate XML code" -align "center" -command "indigoOutput"; showWindow;
global proc abWin() { window -title "About Maya -> Indigo" -h 200 -w 300 -sizeable false; columnLayout; text -label "About Maya -> Indigo" -w 300 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center" ; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Creators:" -w 300 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; text -label "Matt B. (mostly)" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Arne OOG" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; separator -w 300; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Copyright © 2006" -w 300 -align "center"; showWindow; } proc skylight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value SkylightCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 0 skylightSlider; else floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 1 skylightSlider; } proc bglight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value BgCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 0 bgSlider; else floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 1 bgSlider; } proc hdrlight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value HDRCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) attrNavigationControlGrp -edit -enable 0 hdrSlider; else attrNavigationControlGrp -edit -enable 1 hdrSlider; } //-----------------CREATE STUFF------------------ proc sun() {sphere -r 0.5 -n Sun;} proc reclight() { } proc camera() {} window -title "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -h 600 -w 400 -menuBar true -sizeable false; menu -label "Edit" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Save Settings"; menuItem -label "Reset Settings"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Close" -command "closeWindow"; menu -label "Create" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Materials" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Diffuse Shader"; menuItem -label "Phong Shader"; menuItem -label "Specular Shader"; menuItem -label "Mesh Light Shader"; menuItem -label "Metal Shader"; setParent -menu ..; menuItem -label "Lights" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Sky Light" -command "sun"; menuItem -label "Rectangle Light" -command "reclight"; setParent -menu ..; menuItem -label "Misc" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Camera" -command "camera"; menu -label "Window" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Material Editor" -command "materialEditor"; menuItem -label "Material Browser" -command "materialBrowser"; menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true; menuItem -label "About Maya -> Indigo..." -command "abWin"; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; text -label "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -w 390 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; tabLayout; shelfLayout Materials; shelfButton -annotation "Diffuse Shader" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "diffuce"; shelfButton -annotation "Phong Shader" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "phong"; shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "specular"; shelfButton -annotation "Mesh Light Shader" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "meshlight"; shelfButton -annotation "Metal Shader" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "metal"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Lights; shelfButton -annotation "Sky Light" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "sun"; shelfButton -annotation "Rectangle Light" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "reclight"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Misc; shelfButton -annotation "Camera" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "camera"; setParent ..; setParent ..; text -label "General setting" -w 390 -align "center" -font "boldLabelFont"; //Settings frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Render Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; checkBox -label "Metropolis" -align "center"; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Large Mutation Prob" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 1 -value 0.2 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Max Change" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.025 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Russian Roulette Live Prob" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 1 -value 0.7 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Max Depth" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 100 -maxValue 10000 -value 1000 -precision 3; checkBox -label "Pathtracing" -align "center"; checkBox -label "Bidirectional" -align "center"; separator -w 390 -h 12; optionMenu -label "Logging"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; setParent ..; setParent ..; frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Camera Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Sensor Width" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.036 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Lens Sensor Dist" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.0000001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.0523314 -precision 7; separator -w 390 -h 12; optionMenu -label "White Balance"; menuItem -label "E"; menuItem -label "D50"; menuItem -label "D55"; menuItem -label "D60"; menuItem -label "D65"; menuItem -label "D75"; menuItem -label "A"; menuItem -label "B"; menuItem -label "C"; menuItem -label "9300"; menuItem -label "F2"; menuItem -label "F7"; menuItem -label "F11"; setParent ..; setParent ..; frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Environment Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; checkBox -label "Sky Light" -align "center" -value 0 -changeCommand "skylight" SkylightCheckBox; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Turbidity" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.1 -maxValue 5 -value 2 -precision 3 -enable 0 skylightSlider; separator -w 390 -h 12; checkBox -label "Background Light" -align "center" -changeCommand "bglight" BgCheckBox; colorSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Backgroung Light Color" -rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 -enable 0 bgSlider; separator -w 390 -h 12; checkBox -label "HDR map" -align "center" -changeCommand "hdrlight" HDRCheckBox; attrNavigationControlGrp -l "HDR file" -enable 0 hdrSlider; setParent ..; setParent ..; button -w 390 -h 30 -label "Generate XML code" -align "center" -command "indigoOutput"; showWindow;
//-----------------MAYA TO INDIGO CONTROL PANEL------------------ //Made by Arne OOG //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-----------------ABOUT MAYA -> INDIGO------------------ global proc abWin() { window -title "About Maya -> Indigo" -h 200 -w 300 -sizeable false; columnLayout; text -label "About Maya -> Indigo" -w 300 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center" ; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Creators:" -w 300 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; text -label "Matt B. (mostly)" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Arne OOG" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; separator -w 300; text -label "" -w 300 -align "center"; text -label "Copyright © 2006" -w 300 -align "center"; showWindow; } //-----------------ACTIVATE FIELDS------------------ proc skylight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value SkylightCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 0 skylightSlider; else floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 1 skylightSlider; } proc bglight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value BgCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 0 bgSlider; else floatSliderGrp -edit -enable 1 bgSlider; } proc hdrlight() { int $state = `checkBox -query -value HDRCheckBox`; if ($state == 0) attrNavigationControlGrp -edit -enable 0 hdrSlider; else attrNavigationControlGrp -edit -enable 1 hdrSlider; } //-----------------CREATE STUFF------------------ proc sun() {sphere -r 0.5 -n Sun;} proc reclight() { } proc indcamera() {camera -centerOfInterest 5 -focalLength 35 -lensSqueezeRatio 1 -cameraScale 1 -horizontalFilmAperture 1.41732 -horizontalFilmOffset 0 -verticalFilmAperture 0.94488 -verticalFilmOffset 0 -filmFit Fill -overscan 1 -motionBlur 0 -shutterAngle 144 -nearClipPlane 0.01 -farClipPlane 1000 -orthographic 0 -orthographicWidth 30; objectMoveCommand; cameraMakeNode 3 "";} //-----------------THE CONTROL PANEL------------------ window -title "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -h 600 -w 400 -menuBar true -sizeable false; menu -label "Edit" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Save Settings"; menuItem -label "Reset Settings"; menuItem -divider true; menuItem -label "Close" -command "closeWindow"; menu -label "Create" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Materials" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Diffuse Shader"; menuItem -label "Phong Shader"; menuItem -label "Specular Shader"; menuItem -label "Mesh Light Shader"; menuItem -label "Metal Shader"; setParent -menu ..; menuItem -label "Lights" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Sky Light" -command "sun"; menuItem -label "Rectangle Light" -command "reclight"; setParent -menu ..; menuItem -label "Misc" -subMenu true; menuItem -label "Camera" -command "indcamera"; menu -label "Window" -tearOff true; menuItem -label "Material Editor" -command "materialEditor"; menuItem -label "Material Browser" -command "materialBrowser"; menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true; menuItem -label "About Maya -> Indigo..." -command "abWin"; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; text -label "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -w 390 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center"; tabLayout; shelfLayout Materials; shelfButton -annotation "Diffuse Shader" -image "indigo_diffuce.bmp" -command "diffuce"; shelfButton -annotation "Phong Shader" -image "indigo_phong.bmp" -command "phong"; shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image "indigo_specular.bmp" -command "specular"; shelfButton -annotation "Mesh Light Shader" -image "indigo_meshLight.bmp" -command "meshlight"; shelfButton -annotation "Metal Shader" -image "indigo_metal.bmp" -command "metal"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Lights; shelfButton -annotation "Sky Light" -image "indigo_sun.bmp" -command "sun"; shelfButton -annotation "Rectangle Light" -image "commandButton.xpm" -command "reclight"; setParent ..; shelfLayout Misc; shelfButton -annotation "Camera" -image "indigo_camera.bmp" -command "indcamera"; setParent ..; setParent ..; text -label "General setting" -w 390 -align "center" -font "boldLabelFont"; //-----------------SETTINGS------------------ frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Render Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; optionMenu -label "Metropolis"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Large Mutation Prob" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 1 -value 0.2 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Max Change" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.025 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Russian Roulette Live Prob" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 1 -value 0.7 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Max Depth" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 100 -maxValue 10000 -value 1000 -precision 3; optionMenu -label "Pathtracing"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; optionMenu -label "Bidirectional"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; separator -w 390 -h 12; optionMenu -label "Logging"; menuItem -label "True"; menuItem -label "False"; setParent ..; setParent ..; frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Camera Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Sensor Width" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.036 -precision 3; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Lens Sensor Dist" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.0000001 -maxValue 0.1 -value 0.0523314 -precision 7; separator -w 390 -h 12; optionMenu -label "White Balance"; menuItem -label "E"; menuItem -label "D50"; menuItem -label "D55"; menuItem -label "D60"; menuItem -label "D65"; menuItem -label "D75"; menuItem -label "A"; menuItem -label "B"; menuItem -label "C"; menuItem -label "9300"; menuItem -label "F2"; menuItem -label "F7"; menuItem -label "F11"; setParent ..; setParent ..; frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Environment Setting" -w 390; columnLayout -columnAlign "center"; checkBox -label "Sky Light" -align "center" -value 0 -changeCommand "skylight" SkylightCheckBox; floatSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Turbidity" -field true -fieldMinValue -10000 -fieldMaxValue 10000 -minValue 0.1 -maxValue 5 -value 2 -precision 3 -enable 0 skylightSlider; separator -w 390 -h 12; checkBox -label "Background Light" -align "center" -changeCommand "bglight" BgCheckBox; colorSliderGrp -h 25 -label "Backgroung Light Color" -rgb 0.5 0.5 0.5 -enable 0 bgSlider; separator -w 390 -h 12; checkBox -label "HDR map" -align "center" -changeCommand "hdrlight" HDRCheckBox; attrNavigationControlGrp -l "HDR file" -enable 0 hdrSlider; setParent ..; setParent ..; button -w 390 -h 30 -label "Generate XML code" -align "center" -command "indigoOutput"; showWindow;