sorry i was tired and slacked off, it took a while to make and also make all the pictures so this should help, best I can do
add blinn, condition node and samplerinfo node to hypershade
drop the samlper node onto the condition1 node.., connect the 'flippped normal' to 'first term' in the connection editor
create a solid fractile and adjust the colours, in my place it was orange via 'colour gain'(outside of lamp)
create a ramp and make it white (inside)
double click on the condition node and then select the fractile midddle click on it and drag it to the AE (condition node) to 'if true.'
do the same with the ramp but drag it to 'if false.'
drop the condition node on the blinn (it will change colour to orange)
thats a double sided shader (connect the blinn to the lamp and render) but to go a bit further to illuminate
add another condition node
shift and middle click on the samplerinfo and drop it on the new condition node to bring up the connection editor and do the same as before; 'flipped nprmal' to the 'first term'
the second condition node controls the glow; drop the second condition node onto the blinn and connect the 'outcolour'[expand]/red (condition2) to 'glowintensity' (blinn)
control the glow with the 'if true ' and 'if false' in the AE (condition node 2); 'if true' controls the outer glow', 'if false' controls the inner glow' (first check box, left hand side)
oh, that boom box:blush:
take it easy and life will be easy
Last edited by mirek03; 15-05-2007 at 02:44 AM.