Wondering what its like there.
You're going to run into 'haters' now and then, hopefully someday I get to see your show......It's probably all the more laughable to some, since I'm a girl and people probably won't take me seriously.
But oh well, that won't stop me from trying.
Well, this forum surely doesn't have as many trolls (if any?) as other places and I haven't met anyone here who I gave a reason to be mad at me yet (I don't try to offend people, but my stupidity sometimes annoys them so if I get on their nerves, of course some people might get mad and I am sorry if I do that).You're going to run into 'haters' now and then, hopefully someday I get to see your show.
Heya bullet X) Well, as you can see, I'm quite talkative so I don't know where to discuss around here about questions of mine and I don't think making a new thread for everything would be wise. Can anyone tell me where to chat about modeling / effects and things like that, please?Just because your a girl makes no difference to me...and I abhor people who base skill and class on gender...a pet hate of mine. You will be fine SilverFeather...hard work and perceverence will show through...no matter your age or gender mate. Good luck and look forward to seeing some of your work...as all the people who join here...its a fun place with plenty of help and healthy critique and guidance...enjoy
cheers bullet
I think I'll post all the questions in the WIP since they will most likely be related to the work anyway. Thank you.Post different threads for different questions... or just start a thread called "SilverFeather's frequent questions" if you don't feel like it. But if you start a thread called "Problems with UV mapping" and then have a bunch of modelling questions, it just gets a bit confusing. The WIP forum is for work in progress, so post it if you're working on it. If it's final, then post it in the finished work. I'm sure it's fine to post max stuff, just add a note that it's made in max.
While I may act childish, I feel old already.4 years ago I was 21... I wish I was still 21... so young...
you can go to the modeling part of the forum here https://simplymaya.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=9
WIPs can be posted in the WIP part of the forum https://simplymaya.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=34
I'm sure you can figure out where other threads should go by looking at the main forum page.
25's not old, you just feel old because you're a 'senior' developer now.4 years ago I was 21... I wish I was still 21... so young...