Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 76 08-08-2003 , 05:32 PM
^^TwEeK^^'s Avatar
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cool man....looking great
do you make your own textures?

- TwEeK
# 77 08-08-2003 , 05:43 PM
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The stars are too big. If its meant to be just the painting on a ceiling, then great. If its meant to be actual space, the stars are too big, and too yellow. But thats just from someone who cmplains alot about these sort of things user added image

>ok I tooka few steps backwards..

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# 78 08-08-2003 , 06:31 PM
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I agree with vampus they look just a little too old, maybe they look a little too much like stonework as well. Maybe a texture with paint that is peeling etc mite be cool. I dont mind the floor texture too much, maybe it's a little too uniform. Some nasty random stains on it would be cool. And hatches and stuff that would be very cool

Starfield is really cool though user added image I would give the stars a little more glow and make them slightly less yellow


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# 79 08-08-2003 , 06:34 PM
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If they are going to be rocky a moonrocky feel might be nice. If it is not open to the air maybe some arches or strut like things to make the star field look like it is outside/beyond? On the floor maybe go for bigger plates and compare how that looks.

That's a good money shot angle though and the star idea is great.

# 80 11-08-2003 , 01:02 AM
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OK... I toned down the weathered texture a bit, and changed the floor pattern. I took witchy's idea for a plate looking effect user added image

I havent fixed up the stars yet. I was thinking it would be a huge screen with a starmap readout on it. But now I am wondering if I can pull that effect off. ug. I have to think about that one for a bit user added image

^^TwEeK^^ - yeah I make my own textures in PShop. I have a long way to go after seeing Kurts latest model user added image


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# 81 11-08-2003 , 01:04 AM
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and user added image

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# 82 11-08-2003 , 01:06 AM
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and, and..... a close up

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# 83 11-08-2003 , 03:11 AM
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not really for the comp but....

whats a moon landscape without a crashed ufo?

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# 84 11-08-2003 , 03:13 AM
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# 85 11-08-2003 , 04:18 AM
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Very good!! I like the track and the way the surface has been pushed up - nice. The contrast in the interior and the new textures work well too. Good job!

# 86 11-08-2003 , 09:55 AM
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love the outside shots as well as the inside. As witchy said, great touch having the surface pushed up, it just makes it look so much more realistic. Keep up the great work

# 87 11-08-2003 , 09:56 AM
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Very cool. I like how the ufo is busted open and spilled stuff behind it. I like the new textures, but I would opt for some variations where eg. in the parts that gets worn it would be some missing paint and other parts dust and grease collects.

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# 88 11-08-2003 , 10:17 AM
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Perhaps making the UFO looking more dented? It looks like its been there for a while, yet hasnt got many impact marks from bits o' flying rock.

# 89 11-08-2003 , 03:33 PM
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Room for improvements...?

The scene reminds me of themovie "13 ghosts" or whatever it´s called. And for animating the cogsand stuff... I don´t recomend using dynamics,cause it use too much cpu, and the result might get "wobbly". Another solution would be using expressions. Say, If one cog has 18 teeth amd the next one has 10 teeth, then you would make an expression like this: "revolvedsurface18.rotatex=revolvedsurface10.rotat ex * (10/18)"
Then when you can use expressions for all cogs that are "connected" and when you rotate the first cog, all the other cogs wil rotate with it.
I think there are to few smaller cogs and other bits and pieces like fans and fanbelts and stuff like that. And the cogs seem to bee there but they doesn´t "do" anything. They´re not connected to a big spark-shooting generator or any sort of equipment that actually could use the kinetic energy transferred through the gigantic cogs.

Now.. I´m not saying the scene is not cool... It´s awesome! but it got potential to be even more awesome!

# 90 13-08-2003 , 01:49 AM
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I am moving sloooowwwwly on this project user added image Work is keeping me busy, which is a good thing.

I did a bit on it tonight tho' DukerX- suggested making the gears seem to have a purpose... so I started to construct psuedo machinery with them. I will have wires coming from them which will run the lightening bolt things user added image?!? I still need to add smaller stuff too... also I made the floor look more dirty and worn like Pure morn. suggested... still have a looooong way to go!

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