Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 91 09-05-2003 , 02:13 AM
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WOW.. I love some of those ship renders with it overtop of a city!!! One thing i suggest though.. is make another shader with the exact same texture you used for the top.. and apply it to the bottom.. then up the glow a bit so that you can see it even when its a bit dark... It might work user added image. Other than that, maybe cast some directional lights from the floor of your scene (suttle) and in a greyish and green color.. kinda like whatever the roof colors are on your buildings and the grass on the floor (2 seperate directional lights). As for the fire effect you have, i would have to see it in action.. but as of now it seems too harsh for the it would need to be translucent so you could see other stuff..and i think if you put the explosion a bit closer to the ship (or the red parts at least user added image).. just because it seems the yellow in the explosions is something hot.. or something exploding.. and it doesnt look like its comin from the ship. Wait, is this a "fireball"?... If so then :O.. sorry about that, it just needs to be a bit less "strong" and "translucent" then user added image. Anyways, its better than what i could do.. so great job! And as for uv mapping a extra cannon.. and attatching it to the object... i think thats a grand idea.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 92 09-05-2003 , 04:46 AM
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Pure i'm sure i could use you're help rendering! Maybe with some of the smoke effects too, i'm not really "happy" with the effect as it is now, but it looks really cool! I really wanted the "smoke" part to be this realistic looking cloud, and i haven't gotten it there yet, its far too wispy.

The effect is supposed to look like this:
The mother ship is surrounded by a big cloud of turbulent smoke. Inside this is a HUGE FIREBALL that incases the ship. So from the outside you get this awesome looking smoke cloud, with fire showing through in the areas that are less dense.

Okay M, i'll try to find a way to light the bottom of that ship, it does have 1 directional light on it now, maybe it just needs a BIT more intensity.

I also just got a pm from PONY, and he wants to help!!! OMG this is just getting better by the hour. I'm sooo excited. Pure you should email, or msg me (my AIM and yahoo names are in my sig) or try to meet me on IRC sometime.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 93 09-05-2003 , 05:17 AM
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tomorow, tomorow, somthing somthing tomorow , tomorows only a day away. and we will have footage a day away, how much footage i can not say, but i hope that youl be ok, so that we can make this movie, one of these days.

You all amaze me.
"i'll try to keep my posted shoter next time"
hahaha, i really cant spell. heh.

# 94 09-05-2003 , 07:51 PM
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----------NEW FOOTAGE!----------

Okay, so eli stopped by today and gave me the UNICYLCE Chase scene. Its a chase in which an attack ship, chases around a unicycler, and it will be spliced with the other scenes in the MASS PANIC part of the movie. This all takes place just after we unvail the "Mother Ship" and blow up the barn

BTW everyone i just watched ID4, again last night and realized that i might have created some confusion:
In ID4 there are 3 kinds of ships: Mother ship (1) Destroyer (20) and Attack ship (20938473975624)

We are only using two, the attack and the destroyers, and i have been referring to the Destroyer-like ships as the mother ships, and will refer to them as Destroyers from now on. There will be no Moon sized "mother ship" in this movie.

Aright guys i'm going to storyboard all the shots, and then start working on them, maybe pony or pure can start helping after i post the storyboards.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 95 10-05-2003 , 06:19 AM
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I'm on it soon as I get it..

# 96 11-05-2003 , 01:20 AM
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Pure morning, would you like to help with the smoke effects? I'd be happy to explain how i want them, and you have a pretty good smokey cloud shader we could mess with and get a larger cloud feel with. The smoke effects are gonna be real hard to render on my machine, because with the current smoke, i need like 10,000 particles on the the screen! Too much takes forever to render those.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 97 11-05-2003 , 10:57 PM
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here is the storyboard i sent to pony. Oh and by the way P-man i want these ships to be very manuverable, so go nuts with that. But like make it look like that kid is only getting away because he's like a world class Unicycler.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 11-05-2003 at 11:09 PM.
# 98 11-05-2003 , 11:51 PM
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Vectorman, I'd love to help mate but seriously I dont have the time. I'm happy to give you my shader though and you can play around with it


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# 99 11-05-2003 , 11:57 PM
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okay sure man just send it to with like MAYA SHADER in the subject so i'll see it. That my only email that gets files, and its full of spam.

Or just post it here.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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# 100 12-05-2003 , 12:01 AM
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I'll upload it tomorrow to the shaders section that would probably be the best idea.

Thanks for asking if I wanted to help though (if i get time between my end of term and the start of the master's term I will try and help out a bit cause we have a 44 cpu renderfarm here at uni! That would eat 10,000 particles for breakfast!) user added image


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# 101 12-05-2003 , 12:42 PM
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question for Pure_Morning

PURE_MORNING i saw on your site that you had found a tutorial making a cave...
Can i please have a copy of the tutorial???
send it to...

# 102 12-05-2003 , 02:52 PM
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emmm that was ages ago, I will take a look when i get home tonite and see if I can find it (It was done in max but I guess it should still work)


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# 103 12-05-2003 , 10:02 PM
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Thats a sick render farm man! Wow okay well we'll see, i wanna see how that shader works. I'll go try to find it.

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# 104 13-05-2003 , 12:54 AM
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arghhh bollocks to this renderfarm! I have been rendering my shots off as passes for the last 6 hours and they've done about 40-60 frames on each bloody one! that sucks major ass!!

I havent uploaded the shader yet I will do it now.

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# 105 13-05-2003 , 01:45 AM
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Heres is 4 of 9 quick shots in the Unicycle Chase that will be spliced with the large mass panic scene. Pony is working on modeling a gun for the ship!

This is pretty close to being done, besides the texture, which greg is still working on. Whaddya guys think? I made a custom 5 or 6 light set. Once i get this one set, it should be easy to do the rest of these. They are all only a few seconds, only two are like 15sec i think.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
Aol Instant messenger: mrcoolbp2

Last edited by Vectorman; 14-05-2003 at 02:01 AM.
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