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# 1 30-01-2004 , 04:42 AM
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Windows with broken mirror, How ?

I have made a window but what I want is to make that window/mirror looks like crack/broken effects.

thanking you in advanced


# 2 30-01-2004 , 07:04 AM
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select ur object, in the effect menu, select;
effect:create shatter.

# 3 30-01-2004 , 07:26 AM
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ok I'll try it 1st

another thing is how to make mirror looks like a real mirror / how to make it transparent just like a real mirror. thanks

if any doubts I'll ask you again user added image

Last edited by grabFIX; 30-01-2004 at 07:43 AM.
# 4 30-01-2004 , 09:42 AM
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i have a mirror shader somewhere...
i'lll look 4 it, then post tomorrow

# 5 30-01-2004 , 12:17 PM
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ok i really need it

i dont know how to customise that spatter .

# 6 30-01-2004 , 03:02 PM
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a mirror material is made of 2 different material, one to cast reflection and another one (a zinc plate to absorb light)
so this is my set up for a mirror. u might get away with simpler method, depending on what u want to acheive...

so for instance, if u have a primitive cube, u put the zinc plate on a face behind the face containing the mirror shader.
p.s. as with a real mirror, if light is casting right in front of it, it will be bright, so ur light source need to be coming from behind it for best results.

Attached Files
File Type: rar mirror.rar (1.8 KB, 327 views)
# 7 30-01-2004 , 07:55 PM
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oic if i want to make a mirror, need 2 different primitive objects?

1 for the zinc plate and another for shader, am i correct?

arghh need to finish my 1st assignment of MAYA user added image

how to install that shaders, or just put it inside the scene folder? im really newbie

Last edited by grabFIX; 30-01-2004 at 08:15 PM.
# 8 30-01-2004 , 10:09 PM
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just import them

# 9 30-01-2004 , 11:21 PM
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You can creat a decent mirror type effect just using a blinn shader and raytracing, i need to try out vladimirjp's method as well though.

Try these settings for a start. Create a blinn, in the attribute editor turn transparency all the way up, leave all the common settings at default. Open up the Raytracing options and enable Refractions. Refractive Index 1.3, reflection limit 5 and reflection specularity to around .2.

In the reder globals, enable raytracing, set Reflections, refractions and shadows all to 10. Try a render.

Might not be perfect for your scene but you can fiddle with the settings until it suits your need more.

# 10 31-01-2004 , 02:28 AM
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i usually use the silver shader from, works well in my opinion unless you need optical grade mirrors. Then i made a layered shader of a blin and phong shader.

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# 11 31-01-2004 , 05:40 AM
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Originally posted by vladimirjp
just import them

your file somehow broken, but anyway i download it again

# 12 31-01-2004 , 05:42 AM
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wow a lot of techniques.

i'll try all the techniques u guys given


# 13 31-01-2004 , 05:46 AM
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Originally posted by mrmacca
You can creat a decent mirror type effect just using a blinn shader and raytracing, i need to try out vladimirjp's method as well though.

Try these settings for a start. Create a blinn, in the attribute editor turn transparency all the way up, leave all the common settings at default. Open up the Raytracing options and enable Refractions. Refractive Index 1.3, reflection limit 5 and reflection specularity to around .2.

In the reder globals, enable raytracing, set Reflections, refractions and shadows all to 10. Try a render.

Might not be perfect for your scene but you can fiddle with the settings until it suits your need more.

what i want is that there is a light coming through that window (sunset) does it effect the mirror. do i need to put the mirror cast to shadow so that it will look real in term of lighting

# 14 31-01-2004 , 06:17 AM
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I'm not 100% sure what you're looking for but the mirror will recieve light. You can test by just aiming a spot light at the mirror and try some test renders with different colors and intensities. You'll see the effect it has.

Not knowing exactly what your scene is composed of, it's hard to say. Once you have a basic mirror setuo it's really just experimenting until you find something you're happy with. There's not really any hard and fast rules, not for me anyway.

# 15 31-01-2004 , 07:57 AM
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i have experimenting the effect of the mirror. it works but i need to experiment more until im happy.

can the spotlight receive any refraction or reflection ? How about

thank you

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