I'm pretty sure this is a newbie problem

here is a page i made with some explanation on the situation.
the surfaces have been trimmed and lofted with the exact same curve , so i really don't get it.
i already had the displaySmoothness higher than that , so after executing the command , made my surfaces less smooth than before.ctbram: Try the following. If it works make it into a shelf button.
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 20
ofcourse i have revolved the basic part of the soda can. but the shape where you drink from the can is really not circular , so that has to be trimmed out , on the next pic you can see the outside of the top has been revolved , and the inside has a complete different isoparm structure because it is a planar surface.NitroLiq : Not an answer but a question....it's a soda can....why not just draw a profile curve and revolve?
no it wontNitroLiq : displaySmoothness command will fix that problem.
i think you are right. trimmed surfaces toghether with plannar surfaces simply don't work, even with very high smoothness and tesselation the gaps are noticable if you zoom in REALLY REALLY close. you have to use extend surfaces , or extrude also works.DgAPc : I was messing around with your problem.....