Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 17-03-2004 , 09:18 PM
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newbie nurbs problem

Hey guys.

I'm pretty sure this is a newbie problem user added image but i really can't solve it. i have read a few books and tutorials that do the same thing as i do , and they don't mention the problems i'm having at all.

here is a page i made with some explanation on the situation.

the surfaces have been trimmed and lofted with the exact same curve , so i really don't get it.

Greets Aaike
# 2 17-03-2004 , 09:39 PM
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This is the EXACT problem I posted about a few days ago in the nurbs section of this site... I really really hope someone can figure this problem out because it's bugging me too.

# 3 17-03-2004 , 11:17 PM
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Posts: 123
Something I figured out what does the job most of the time is use extend surfaces on the circulet fillet. Works everytime for me so far. You'll have to play with the settings to extend the end cruve. I usually start out out .01. Hope that helps you.

# 4 18-03-2004 , 12:18 AM
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extend surfaces? Where is this option? I don't see it in the circular fillet options box and it's not a command under the Surfaces or EditNurbs list...

# 5 18-03-2004 , 02:44 AM
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i think DgAPc means Surfaces -> Extrude Surface.

That option does indeed work a lot better.

in fact the part on the pic where it is good is an Extruded surface.
and the bad part has been created with a planar surface.

i have updated the last pic on the page with some explanation.

so basicly i think i shouldn't use planar surfaces...
the loft works great because it uses the same isoparms as the curve , and the lofted surface van be attached to the other surfaces , but this is not the case with planar surfaces.

but then how do i create something like i want to make in maya ?
its freaking me out user added image
do all the models out there have gaps in them if you zoom into them real close ot what ?

Greets Aaike
# 6 21-03-2004 , 08:28 PM
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are you guys freakin kidding me ? this post has been here a week. seriously , does nobody knows an answer to this ? its seems so simple ...

Greets Aaike
# 7 24-03-2004 , 08:08 AM
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Try the following. If it works make it into a shelf button.

displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 20

Hope that helps.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 8 24-03-2004 , 08:27 PM
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no its under its own option its under nurbs menu and its called extend surfaces. It might be a new thing on Maya 5 cause I don't remember seeing it on maya 4.5.

# 9 24-03-2004 , 10:42 PM
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Not an answer but a's a soda can....why not just draw a profile curve and revolve?

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# 10 25-03-2004 , 12:13 AM
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displaySmoothness command will fix that problem.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 11 25-03-2004 , 09:09 PM
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I was messing around with your problem. display smoothness doesn't work when you trim a pieace out. What I did was do extend surfaces. You'll have to play with the settings untill the edge you want to extend. After that when you render it it still looked like crap. What I did was select one object at a time and shortcut press ctrl a and go to the tessellation option. Open that and onther menu opens its advanced tessellation. Check the little white box to turn it on. The settings work how it is know, but you might have to increase the Isoparms both to 4. Heres a pic of what I did.

Attached Thumbnails
# 12 26-03-2004 , 09:23 AM
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hey thanks for the reply's , i will evaluate them 1 by one.

ctbram: Try the following. If it works make it into a shelf button.

displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 20

i already had the displaySmoothness higher than that , so after executing the command , made my surfaces less smooth than before.

NitroLiq : Not an answer but a's a soda can....why not just draw a profile curve and revolve?

ofcourse i have revolved the basic part of the soda can. but the shape where you drink from the can is really not circular , so that has to be trimmed out , on the next pic you can see the outside of the top has been revolved , and the inside has a complete different isoparm structure because it is a planar surface.

user added image

NitroLiq : displaySmoothness command will fix that problem.

no it wont user added image , this is exactly the same as NURBS Suface Display in the attribute settings of the nurbs surface. (this option doesn't work when rendering to , if you render your object it still looks like crap, you have to change the nurbs tesselation for each suface to make it work.

DgAPc : I was messing around with your problem.....

i think you are right. trimmed surfaces toghether with plannar surfaces simply don't work, even with very high smoothness and tesselation the gaps are noticable if you zoom in REALLY REALLY close. you have to use extend surfaces , or extrude also works.

so i guess i will go with the extrude surfaces.

Greets Aaike
# 13 26-03-2004 , 03:08 PM
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NitroLiq : displaySmoothness command will fix that problem.

That was ctbram's suggestion, not mine. user added image

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