in a tutorial on how to make cool lookin dude. I got over this:
Polygons>Extrude Face, then click the blue dot to go into World positioning and move the extrude in the Y axis about 8.5 units, also scale the Y axis down to 0 to make the top flat. Now in the Channel Box, look at the all the attributes to the polyExtrudeFace node, you can see how far in the Y axis you've moved it by looking here at the Pivot Y, as well as any other thing to do to the extrude node with the Manipulator Jack, or you could enter in values manually here. Now, down the bottom of the Extrude's attributes is Divisions, increase them to 6.
How the h...l do I do this. I have tried alot and been pretty frustraited for an hour now. Please tell me like I was a 5years old.