The Leg Isoparm's Connected To The... Torso Isoparm... :)
I have such a simple question that it bears repeating. Okay, I'm FINALLY moving on to something different (no more rendering and ligthing questions for a little while anyway) but I feel so stupid. I need to connect my character's legs AND arms to his torso but I'm not sure how to do it. I know there's something in there about adding isoparms to match up with each other and such but maybe I'm just too dumb to figure it out on my own. LOL! Help... Thanks all!
BTW, I kinda want to give him an ass too. Though it really won't be seen since I'm planning on using Cloth to put clothes on him, I think he'd appreciate an ass as well. It's kind of important.
Russell Bolding
CEO/Founder - Russelltopia Studios