Maybe it would be helpful to just re-zip the file with the shader for future users? Btw, Rage, I hope you don't mind. There was a naming error in the script you posted where the name in the first line (createNode) didn't match the last line (connectAttr).
createNode blinn -n "CGbullet_trail";
connectAttr "RAGEbullet_trail.msg" ":defaultShaderList1.s"
I went in and changed the last line to CGbullet_trail.msg so it works now. If you want to change them both to RAGEbullet_trail, have at it.
Hey, how did you post the code without a smiley appearing in it? I tried posting the code in a separate thread but one of the lines has a semi-colon and p combo, and would only show up as a smiley in my code.
"Terminat Bora Diem, Terminal Auctor opus."