I think he means the overall gesture of a person walking
is sometimes flowing
exept if your a zombie
but your anim should show a rolling
like a see-saw motion if viewed from the top
hand swingging forward
wrist snap action
finger flicking only slightly
that's fine...
the most important parts are usualy
*knees - knees dont just move forward but pivot slightly.
*elbows - bend as the arm swings
*hips - sway left to right..sometimes up and down at the corners.
*wrist - the slight turn of the hand increases realism...
im no real animator but it's common sense
so walk across a room and observe your walk and mimick it in maya, try anything it's supposed to be fun
hope you show another WALK-anim.test
1.7 Ghz Intel Pentium
3.0 GB of RAM DDR 333
128 MB NVIDIA Ti 4600
I know it's not a realy great system
but it gets the job done....