weird point cost system...
I was looking at the point/buy ratio and found out some weird numbers..
pts - U$ - cost/point
2 - 9,5$ - 4,75
14 - 26$ - 1,86
35 - 57$ - 1,63
70 - 105$ - 1,50
100 - 152$ - 1,52
So according to this chart, it cost less per points to buy 70 points than 100!
Tell me this is a mistake and not an evil scheme to lure the mathematicaly challenged! :bandit:
On a related but different topic, I saw a few video that costed 2 pts but where 15mins of less than others that were 40+mins... And we can see the same discrepancy (sp?) with file size/points. It would be nice for the customer to see a standard point/time system.
I dont want to put a number on the value of the teaching of the tutors, this is priceless, only the tutor can value his time. I just wish to see some standard. Humm.. sound like I just contradicted myself :-S
edit: fixed the table...
edit2: cant fix the $/%/$% table to show right, sorry!
Last edited by Mantat; 08-06-2004 at 03:40 PM.