tactics and movement and programming
i have been playing with programming moving dots in C#
i (more or less) understand how to make one find a path with A* and the rest follow flocking
now i would like to make it more complex and program them to move arround the lead like a modern soldiers squad when going on open ground, trough a street, assaulting a trench/house etc...
Now, i have some ideas on how they should do it, but i really dont know a shit on how soldiers actually do it(i managed to elude obligatory military training until it dissapeared not so long ago...), and would like to make the movement look believable( even if they are now just points on a plane seen from above) so if anyone can link me to resources either on tactics or sourcecode of something similar i would appreciate...
Last edited by dragonfx; 24-06-2004 at 06:45 PM.