Sorry to all of you SimplyMaya experts, you must be getting tired with all these Image plane question

Well anyhow, my problem is that I´m one of those with a ATI card and gets a sluggish computer when working with Image planes. I´ve searched this forum and found out that you referred to a free tutorial on how to set up an image plane (the shark tutorial) using poly planes instead. I followed that and and it works great, I can actually move CV´s now

My question is that if I wanna model an object, moving CV´s, hull or whatever, I would like to press 4 and go into wireframe mode without Image planes disappering and then press 5 to smooth shade all. Now as it is, I´m only able to work with an object thats shaded. I´m sure it´s easy to fix and I`m sure I will feel really stupid when you tell me to "hit that key" :o , but I hope you guys understand what I mean and can help me.
PS. I know I´m a newbie, you dont have to point that out and remind me. :p
Thanks in advance