Help with my bulging box!
Hi guys,
I am working through the Learning Maya 5: Foundation book and am stuck on the second project.
The brief is to design a jack in the box that pops out. That bit has gone fine. What I am now trying to do is to animate the box so it gives a cartoon bulge before jack pops out and then contracts when he emerges.
I am following the instructions word by word but I cant seem to make the box bulge. I have created a lattice and I am playing around with moving and scaling the CV's as you can see from the two pictures (if I have managed to attach them to this message correctly!!)
It seems that when I select the second from bottom group of four CV's and scale or move them out the box doesnt bulge but creates an angle sort of like an upside down pyramid.
Some help with this would be gratefully appreciated as this is causing me big problems in regards to finishing of my model.
Thanx in advance