MEL scripting for maya animators help
hey i've been doing the book's crowd system
got to page 393 trying to creat the dialogue box i used this code:
global proc crowdSystem()
-title "Crowd System"
-widthHeight 300 200
//Create button
string $button1 = `button -label "Create"`;
//Place button in window
formLayout -edit
-attachForm $button1 "bottom" 10
-attachForm $button1 "right" 10
//Add command to button to call createCrowd function and
//then kill window after script has been executed
button -edit -command ("createCrowd; deleteUI crowdWin;") $button1;
showWindow crowdWin;
(copyright )
but it doesn't show the window? ? ?
i using maya 5 did they change anything ?
Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.