im stuck a little.. i got this maya grogram from work try and learn it a little to gain some basic knolage to create a few animation to use with flash MX (webdesign), i seen so seriously kewl things on the web that used a 3d program to create kewl effects.. but there are 0,0001% tutorials that explain how this is done.. maybe you guys can help me?
goal is simple (so i think) i created a simple layout/website interface that has to rotate from side view to real view.. simple _X rotation.. but heres my problem...
1. i cant get my view (window view/camera view..) to it looks like im loking at a sheet of paper (flat)
2. the lighting gives to mutch reflexion and i cant findout where i can turn that of...
3. is there a tutorial that gives me the basic steps on how i make a animation... i meen in flash it set keyframe 1 set keyframe 2 create motion and fwoala... but here it seems a little diverent..
remember i started with maya today have never used it befor... to dont forget details that noobieslike me suppose to know

PS, if the tone of my question is wrong tell me.. cos my english is not that good.. :S