Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 21-08-2004 , 08:01 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 3

n00b strugeling here.... (basic box type animation)

hi guys & girls,

im stuck a little.. i got this maya grogram from work try and learn it a little to gain some basic knolage to create a few animation to use with flash MX (webdesign), i seen so seriously kewl things on the web that used a 3d program to create kewl effects.. but there are 0,0001% tutorials that explain how this is done.. maybe you guys can help me?

goal is simple (so i think) i created a simple layout/website interface that has to rotate from side view to real view.. simple _X rotation.. but heres my problem...

1. i cant get my view (window view/camera view..) to it looks like im loking at a sheet of paper (flat)

2. the lighting gives to mutch reflexion and i cant findout where i can turn that of...

3. is there a tutorial that gives me the basic steps on how i make a animation... i meen in flash it set keyframe 1 set keyframe 2 create motion and fwoala... but here it seems a little diverent..

remember i started with maya today have never used it befor... to dont forget details that noobieslike me suppose to know user added image

PS, if the tone of my question is wrong tell me.. cos my english is not that good.. :S

# 2 21-08-2004 , 01:21 PM
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Best way to make a flat looking surface and not have to worry about lighting is to apply a cartoon shader in my opinion. Of course, if you're new to Maya, this might be slightly complicated, but the directions for using it are on my website along with the actual shader if you want to get it.

If you don't want to go that route, try applying a lambert material to your box instead of whatever it has now. (lambert is the default material though) They have the least dealings with light and have no reflectivity. As for your acual lighting, try choosing Create>Lights>Directional and place that in front of your box facing toward it and that might help a little too.

As for animating, it's a lot like flash, but still different. To animate the box:
1) select the frame you want to key
2) select your box
3) press the "s" key on your keyboard. This keyframes your bxo on the frame you're on.
4) select a different frame in your timeline.
5) select your box.
6) move your box however you like
7) keyframe again by pressing the "s" key.
8) play the animation
Now your box will move from one position to the other smoothly.

# 3 21-08-2004 , 04:53 PM
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Posts: 3
ok i fiddled a little and thx to you my lighting problem is solved.. here is what i did..

first i made a plane that navigates as a background en ontop of that in face on view i inserted my boxes...

but the animation thingy i just cant seem to get that working.. user added image

i selected fram one selected my boxes and prest "s" then i went to edit>group made a rotation of -90 and selected 40 reselected my boxen (excl. plane) en pressed "s" again.. pressed play and nothing happed user added image what did i do wrong?

# 4 21-08-2004 , 05:13 PM
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edit>group? Why did you do that? I never mentioned doing that if you read over my directions again. If you group your box, then you would be animating the group instead of the box which aren't the same.

# 5 22-08-2004 , 07:10 AM
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yeh but its a group of boxes.. 4 to be exact.. so to easy animate is select them al and group zo the all move...

# 6 22-08-2004 , 04:05 PM
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in that case, you must select the group every time you keyframe, not just one or two boxes.

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