Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 12-09-2004 , 11:10 AM
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a beginner need one strng advice

I was an oracle programmer for 3 years and I am completely new in 3d world but I have some graphical skills in Photoshop and flash
But no interest in general drawing

But really I have deep interest and I skill in designing architectural and building styles and car designer

I know I have to take testing of both and starting by one of them
But I need your experience and answer and advice to understand some technical points that what help me to know what I have to choose
These is no maya center or lightwavs or rhino or or other 3d centers
There is no real expert programmer or complete books
And the advertisement the companies depending on foreign companies (Dubai or Beirut )

1 Which is more efficient in rendering realistic and high quality effects (max& Maya) ?
and is there big difference between them ? (in case both used for same programmer)

2 Which of them support the same quality of animation best
If I master any of them ? is there big difference between them in that respect ?

3- after mastering may (or any other program u suggest always
having smooth use )

That because I am one-track-minded person , really
I worried about shifting from program to another one
It’s better for me to start in good program even if it’s little bit difficult

And my big questions is

Is the level of diffculty between max and maya (or any other program u suggest ) makes max a basic requirement to start with 3d programs ?

# 2 12-09-2004 , 04:55 PM
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I am working in Maya for about 2 weeks and was using max before maya for 2 years and so far I can say that Maya is...better!
3Ds is really great peace of CGI toolary but only if you have the most of the plug-ins.For every biginner 3Ds max is a great start! Every other 3D program is working in same or in a simmilar way!Maya has everything that 3D artist will ever need and some tools are done much more better than in max!
Max is mostly used for games design but it can also handle very complex animations especaly if you got all required plugins. The new version of max now includes the mental ray wich is used for ultrarealistic rendering!
Maya, in other hand, gots everything, but the question is will you use Maya's features like fur,hair,fluids...for a car design or arhitectural max is more than enough for you.

Sorry for my English.
Good luck!

# 3 13-09-2004 , 12:35 AM
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For me, navigation in 3d space and workflow are the most important when choosing a 3d application since almost all packages nowadays have support for all the basic tools that allows you basically do anything.

I started out on max and the interface is easier for the beginner since it doesn't really force you to use hotkeys. But once you're seasoned, you'll find that the fractions of a second extra to move the mouse around has a substantial impact on the speed/fun of doing a project.

I love the alt + mouse navigation system and default hotkeys of maya but I love the orbit around selection of max...

I would suggest starting with maya since it'll be easier to transition to other applications.

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# 4 02-10-2004 , 09:02 PM
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few words of advice, think small, aim big.

when i started CG i thought a little to big and was frustrated, best bet, download the PLE, get familiar with the UI, make it fit your needs, then just practice, lots of it. Model anything u see, if u think u cant model it, try it. If u get stuck, u have us to help u.

Hope this helps

# 5 02-10-2004 , 10:18 PM
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you go with maya for sure, i was geting started with max few years ago and it was pure pain!!!

A ti komsija daj neki mejl da vidimo sta radite Vi u Hrvatskoj!!!

Best resolt would come, if every one in the group are doing what is best for himself and the group!!

Sorry for bad English, See ya
dead mosquito-blog-on english too
# 6 03-10-2004 , 08:29 AM
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thank u very vary much friends

avery experice say maya
avery friend advice maya
now i am starting maya

but juts to make sure...
what about max 7 or lightwave in our point
the fast animation of modeling in super realistic
super smoth the
same qaulity if movies
not todiffecult to handle

is maya is only choice for that

# 7 03-10-2004 , 10:20 AM
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Of course not, you can use max and lightwawe for everything that you can do in Maya but the Maya is best, but if you are short with money maybe you should go with some other software for start!!!

Best resolt would come, if every one in the group are doing what is best for himself and the group!!

Sorry for bad English, See ya
dead mosquito-blog-on english too
# 8 03-10-2004 , 03:34 PM
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But they all can drive, even though Benz is a little bit more comfortable and polished!

Radimo svašta, ja osobno lagano prouèavam Mayu tako da nemam neki ozbiljniji projekt!

# 9 03-10-2004 , 03:41 PM
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I dont know for Lightwave,but for Max I can say that his power lies in his plugins,program has some bugs with graphic especially in viewports and it crashes often.
My advice is to go with Maya she has a lot more to offer!

# 10 03-10-2004 , 05:15 PM
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if i got 1gig of ram everytime one of those "which app" threads started....:o

# 11 03-10-2004 , 08:53 PM
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[Radimo svašta, ja osobno lagano prouèavam Mayu tako da
nemam neki ozbiljniji projekt! [/B][/QUOTE]

Jesi ti freelancer ili imas neki tim??? Ima li posla kod Vas u Hrvatskoj, kod nas ima par velikih studia u Beogradu i mozda samo dva kod mene u Novom Sadu!!!

Best resolt would come, if every one in the group are doing what is best for himself and the group!!

Sorry for bad English, See ya
dead mosquito-blog-on english too
# 12 04-10-2004 , 11:17 AM
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Situacija je slièna i ovdje, na ovim prostorima ta industrija i nije baš najrazvijenija.Ja sam freelancer, al nisam pokušo još naæi posao na tom podruèju jer želim što više toga nauèiti i ispraksirati.
Mislio sam da odem vani negdje na studij 3D grafike jer ovdje toga nema osim par privatnih koje poduèavaju osnove osnovnog!
Maya je stvarno mrcina i dobro inzbalasiran program,zato ga treba baš studirati...nema druge.

Koji dio 3d grafike te najviše zanima,modeliranje,animacija,fx...?

# 13 04-10-2004 , 11:43 AM
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Jebiga pukla mi stranica otkucacu ponovo svoj zadnji post!!!

Najvise me interesuje modelovanje ali posto sam skoro freelancer (imam jednog druga koji isto radi u mayi) moram znati po nesto od svake oblasti, mislim da skola nije toliko vazna i obavezna da bi se savladala maya, mozes to i sam da odradis ali ti treba mnogo truda i zivaca, ima jedna skola kod nas koja daje sertifikat i diplomu Aliasa, adresa njihovog sajta je pa vidi sta nude, ima tri dela te njihove skole i svaki traje po cetiri nedelje i kosta oko 1300 eura, meni je to previse para da dam ali bi svakako dao da mogu jer kako sam cuo neka iskustva stvarno se isplati, jedna velika prednost bi ti bila sto bi predavanja slusao na poznatom jeziku a i sto je zivot u Srbiji dosta jeftiniji nego kod Vas u Hrvatskoj a i Vama je standard daleko visi nego nas!!! Uzgred ta skola se nalazi u Beogradu!!!

Best resolt would come, if every one in the group are doing what is best for himself and the group!!

Sorry for bad English, See ya
dead mosquito-blog-on english too
# 14 04-10-2004 , 10:17 PM
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Da...puno je dat 1300 eura al kad bih znao da bi se isplatilo išo bih definitivno!Vidio sam Chiron-ovu stranicu i šteta što nema toga u Zagrebu.To školovaje bi skratilo dragocjeno vrijeme, a teško je dosta uèiti sa turtoriala i dosadnih knjiga (iako nisam kupio još nijednu) ovako bi najbolje i najbrže shvatio iz prve ruke!
Mene osobno jako interesira animacija a ona ne ide bez modeliranja.
tvoja sreæa pa znaš bar nekog tko se bavi 3D-om pa možete izmjenjivati iskustva i znanja!

BAJ D VEJ-koliko znaš raditi u Mayi i pošalji neke slikice!

# 15 05-10-2004 , 12:08 AM
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I have a simplified explenation towards the whole Max and Maya issue here goes: Maya has alway's been a highend program, Max is crawling its way up to the highend but they have small bugs to work out (what program dosn't?) I use both Max 6.0 and Maya 6.0 here are some advanteges for each one.

Maya to Max: Maya can have much more in a scene before the response of camera movement is slowed down, when you start pushing 10k poly's in a max scene if you have a p4 1.8 Ghz pc, youl start slowing down a bit, but Maya will keep you runnin smooth

Maya to Max: Max is much more widely used in architecture, infact I havnt seen any compagnies use Maya for it (altough I bet there are many) but they prefer MAx, Viz and Auto-cad (which means Discreet owns that field)

Maya to Max final: if you look at new features in Max youl notice they are just comparing to Maya 5....

hope this helps

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