Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
I cannot get bonus tools to show in my menu. They used to be there but i added MJ's poly tools and now bonus tools are gone. is it posible to have both?
Yes. I had this same problem. Do you have a userSetup.mel script? MJPolyTools might have over written the one that comes with the Bonus Tools.
What I did was I made a new script I called bonusSetup5 out of the userSetup.mel that came with the BonusTools5. Then my userSetup.mel just calls bonusSetup5; & MJPolyTools; to initialize them both.
If you are using Maya 5, you can use my scripts. Otherwise you'll have to adapt them, but the process will be the same.