creating a wicker basket
I deceided to edit this post down to a smaller level, as the one below is quite bloated with unneed detail.
Simply put what is the easiet way to create a weave effect, such as a basket, that would look good from angle, and looks ok in animation.
I was looking to make somthing like this - weave pattern (image number 6) made with pipes/cylinders
---Original post---
I'm looking to create a simple wicker basket, and I was wondering how people would go about it.
The two ways I have thought of so far are,
a) create a cylinder with a slightly fatter middle then the ends (like a barrel) then just apply a wicker-like texture. This would work, but wouldnt really look so good in my opinion, especially when the model moves. A dirty and cheap way of doing it imho
b) create each strand of wicker by hand, then some how weave them together into a basket type shape. I've tried messing with CV curves and nurbs circles to make each individual "pipe" of wicker, but found it very very time consuming, and getting the the items to weave without morphing into each other
Option B) would be great, as it would really give the feel of depth and individual shape to the basket, but is there a simpler way of doing it?
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Last edited by azimuth; 13-12-2004 at 12:07 AM.