What you just said is exactly what I am talking about on how Maya works. Though what I was also tring to say is that I was coming from working with splines and not B-splines. These types of splines look like a polymesh and the vertices also move like how poly vertices move as well except for that the curves gets squashed instead if you pull them to close which causes creases and it is a bad thing. In any event this sort of doesn't matter because I said to myself lets retry doing the video tutorial again. And you know what? It was just a matter of time and getting use to this way and a lot of zooming in really close looking at how each vertex moves and part of the patch it moves.Originally posted by Omy
I dont know what u mean....From my experience in maya(only have maya 5) when u move one vertice and it moves the ones around it...its a continous surface and when u move that vert it will keep its tangency to the entire surface but it wont move the vertices you haven't touched.