You'll find these are the requirments for most studios [depending on the position of course], especially the more established ones.Submission Tips & Guidelines
Reel Submissions:
- Reels should be on DVD or VHS (NTSC) - no Beta or PAL, please.
- Please do not send cd roms or refer us to a website - hardcopy submissions heavily recommended.
- Videotapes should be clearly labeled with your name and contact information.
- The length of your reel should be limited to 5 minutes and consist of work that you're most proud of-- starting with your most recent work.
- Music should not contain vocals unless lip-syncing skills are illustrated.
- Please include a credit list explaining what you did on your reel and what software (if applicable) was used to achieve the effects.
Animators note: Please include all traditional work (life drawings, pencil tests, etc.) either on your reel or with your portfolio. Demo reels should be well edited and concise (less than 5 minutes).
Portfolio Submissions:
- Please be sure your portfolio is clearly labeled with your name, address, and telephone number on the inside and outside.
- All portfolios should contain the following:
Samples of your recent work
Life Drawings
Rough Sketches of animals and humans in movement
Samples of your color and design sense
We prefer artists to limit their portfolios to 20 pieces representing their strongest current work.
Do not send original work.