Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 01-03-2005 , 06:52 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515

cell phone wip

i hate cell phones and do not own one because of the extent of my hate towards them and people using them.

but aside from that, i like the look of this motorola phone so i decided to model it for fun.
and i decided to do it nurbs style because of the smooth running lines that the phone has.

so here is a pic of what i have so far, its just curvs right now, im still leaning how to use the bi rail tool and its giving my a lot of problems and it takes a lot of time.

any suggestions on how i would go about patching this would be excellent, or if you could tell me where to add curves to make the birail more smooth that would be ok too.

user added image

this is the real phone that i hope to match in a few weeks
user added image

is there any way to make that bottom plate where thoes 7 vents are all at once, or how do i go about making that into geometry, do i have to boolean it later or something? i wish i could do it all in one shot

i really love laying out curves but i hate having to patch it later.

First year 3D Grad

Last edited by Turbo Dan; 01-03-2005 at 07:01 AM.
# 2 01-03-2005 , 05:59 PM
gohan1842's Avatar
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Why do you dislike cellphones?

I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd.

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I'm up for a chat anytime.
# 3 01-03-2005 , 06:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
i mainly dislike the rude and inconsiderate people that own cell phones.

cons of cell phones:

-waste of time
-no longer can you relax, your phone can ring at any moment
-wakes people up when they are sleeping
-cell phone bills are expensive
-cell phones never have reception no matter how many hundreds of dollars you spend on them
-cell phones never have charged batteries, they are always dead when you need them
-brain cancer
-people no longer can relax, you can be doing anything, watching tv, playing a game, having a conversation with a relative or family member, talking to a friend, thinking about life, trying to sleep, driving your car and your phone rings and everything is f'd
-it gives people a way to put you on a leash and know where you are all the time
-causes people to lie about where they are because of this
-annoying ring tones that can be heard in libraries, movie theaters, malls, stores, grocery stores, schools, people standing on street corners
-people always wanna borrow your cell phone because they are mooches and they waste your minutes
-people spend countless hours organizing call lists and playing cell phone games and taking worthless cell phone pictures that aren't good for anything
-gives people something to steal very easily or wreck
-more weight to carry in your pocket
-charger drains power
-interupts my sex when my gf gets a call that makes her upset, result, no more sex
-99/100 people do not need them, and only use them to chat about smalltalk and never have anything important to say
-most people have house phones and can just as easily call people while their at home
-you can be having a nice conversation walking in the park and have the persons phone ring and interupt what you are talking about and sometimes even lead to having to leave altogether to go do something because someone is being stupid
-cell phones can be hacked and traced, ie fred durst or that skank who i forget her name.
-they do not make you smarter
-they do not benifit you for personal use, only the people calling you. thats like putting a $21000 passenger seat in my car and leaving the drivers seat stock
-the sex thing deserves two points
-other people have to hear your shitty coversations about your shitty lives that are stupid and you are idiots
-you still have to pay long distance
-they cause car accidents
-they cause people to not pay attention
-they are increasing the ADD level among people these days
-its another useless number that you have to remember
-people can prank you all day long wherever you go very easily and ruin your life
-one more point for the sex thing
-people abuse them and use them more than they need
-going over your usage limit in the month and the cell phone company will bend you over
-text messaging deserves more than one point because its so friggen stupid
-why the hell do you need text messenging for personal use, call the friggen phone and leave a message
-people at parties on their cell phone sending text messages to other people at the party thinking their cool but really they will die alone
-if you are hiding from a killer and you are trying to not make noise and your cell phone rings, your dead bitch!
-people not only talk in rude places but they don't know how to use a phone voice that isn't shouting because their cell phone has such bad reception that they have to literally yell into it
-drunk phone calls from your friends at the bar while you're trying to sleep, one big long call of screaming and yelling and loud dance music with entirely no point to the call.
-people get in trouble for cheating beacuse they have girls numbers in their phone, if they didn't have a cell they wouldn't have that problem.
-say for instance you are asking a girl to marry you and in the middle of it her cell phone rings, BLHAHAHA
-its one more thing you have to remember or your whole day is ruined
-you become acustomed to having it and when you no longer have it you go through withdrawl, its like an addiction
-its hard on your eyes looking at that small screen, eye damage may be a result

-if you dont own a house phone it may come to use
-for work or to help in a job where you travel a lot
-women could possibly use the arial as a vibrator

this is just an intro list, off the top of my head, there are a ton more con points i will add later

and if anyone has an opposing opinion of my list, keep it to yourself or save it for your own thread user added image

First year 3D Grad

Last edited by Turbo Dan; 01-03-2005 at 07:08 PM.
# 4 01-03-2005 , 07:05 PM
gohan1842's Avatar
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How could you possibly know some of the things if you do not own a cell phone. If they are so expensive just get a track phone and buy ur time. Before you get a cell phone, make sure you know where you do get reception. And I have never seen my cellphone to have dead batteries.

I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd.

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I'm up for a chat anytime.
# 5 01-03-2005 , 07:09 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
my gf and most of my friends have cell phones
and the whole point of a cell phone is to take it anywhere, why would i want to worry about where i get reception, that defeats the purpose
the people that own them for personal use will not die if they do not have them.

First year 3D Grad
# 6 01-03-2005 , 07:10 PM
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Where I live I never have problems with reception. Full bar.

I'm not a geek. I'm a nerd.

msn -
I'm up for a chat anytime.
# 7 02-03-2005 , 01:29 AM
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"-interupts my sex when my gf gets a call that makes her upset, result, no more sex"

*thumbs up*

totally agree... had my nights screwed up plenty of times by my gf's melodramatic roommate calling about his new life ending disaster that is completely idiotic... New rule in the bedroom for everyone... Turn the cell phone OFF!

I agree with most of what he said.. i use a cell phone(forced by parents) and its just a leash. Its tot he point where i turn it off unless im expecting a call. Then i turn it on. Get the call or call, then turn it off again., No problem with batteries thoughuser added image

Oh on your model, Ide say dont model the faceplate witht he numbers. Just texture that. it looks like it would be much easier.

AIM: SublimeDragon33
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# 8 02-03-2005 , 08:30 AM
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Hell if 99/100 of us dont need cell phones why do we 'need' telephones, we have the internet and email and we can write letters! user added image

... we live in the western world, its not really about need anymore.

I agree compleatly with some of the points though, i find mobile phones are anti social so i make a point not to use them when in company user added image or give out my number to everyone i meet.

oh and i realllllly hate cameraphones. Ill stick to my oldschool SLR thank you very much.

Anyway good luck with your project!!! user added image

FX supervisor - double negative
# 9 08-03-2005 , 02:58 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
here is a small update, im having some problems with the boleon on the top part, im gonna attempt it again tomorrow.
nurbs are super hard to work with, im semi happy with the model but its still not totally smooth or accurate to the real phone.

any help or suggestions?
and i havent decided on the keypad yet, this pic has the curves but nothing more is done to the keypad part.

what do you guys think so far, its just a screenshot, its not good enough to do an actual render with yet.

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First year 3D Grad
# 10 08-03-2005 , 03:12 AM
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Model is looking good. All nurbs?

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"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 11 08-03-2005 , 02:46 PM
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Posts: 515
entirely made of curves lofted into sub-d then converted to poly

First year 3D Grad
# 12 08-03-2005 , 08:46 PM
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"-if you are hiding from a killer and you are trying to not make noise and your cell phone rings, your dead bitch!"

That one cracked me up!

"Please excuse the crudity of this model, I didn’t have time to build it to scale or to paint it"
:: Dr. Emmett Brown
# 13 08-03-2005 , 10:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 515
here is a small update, i did lots of the keypad
instead of taking the easy way out and doing textures for the keypad i decided to make all the geometry for it.

i still have all the numbers and signs to do

what do you guys think?

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First year 3D Grad
# 14 08-03-2005 , 10:37 PM
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Posts: 515
here is a closer view of the keypad

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First year 3D Grad
# 15 09-03-2005 , 04:26 PM
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Posts: 515
almost done the keypad

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First year 3D Grad
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