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# 1 07-04-2005 , 03:35 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 28

Starting out

Yo, I am starting to get back into modeling. I got half way through Kurts dog tutorial then stopped:\ But I am back now, and am currently working on modeling a Humvee, I am just wanting to know which would be easier to start with? Nurb or Poly? I have some experience(dog tutorial) with Nurbs, but when i try to manipulate it with Control Vertexes, it only selects one side of the cube. Why does it do this?

# 2 07-04-2005 , 04:28 PM
mhcannon's Avatar
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Might want to go ahead an finish the dog tutorial as it goes into polys and subdivs too. So that way you can try each for yourself. user added image

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 3 07-04-2005 , 04:30 PM
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Lol ya, thats what I was thinking:p

# 4 07-04-2005 , 07:59 PM
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Posts: 145
Nurbs is more of a technique that most artists are using less and less, ever since the release of Sub-D's, i would start out with polys and subd's user added image

3D Modeler and Texture Painter (Learning)
"We have limits.... our imagination does not"

Final Year: University of Bradford (Worst place to live and study in the UK!!)
# 5 07-04-2005 , 08:12 PM
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Re: Starting out

Originally posted by Shortay
Y... I have some experience(dog tutorial) with Nurbs, but when i try to manipulate it with Control Vertexes, it only selects one side of the cube. Why does it do this?

A nurbs cube is actually six surface patches butted together.

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 6 08-04-2005 , 04:51 AM
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Posts: 28
Ok, I am about done with Kurts dog tutorial, I'm on the last video. I am wondering if anyone knows of any good tutorials(free) that goes into modeling, and detailing models. I am not going to buy any points, until I know im gona stick with Maya.



# 7 08-04-2005 , 12:55 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: England, UK
Posts: 145

Originally posted by Shortay
Ok, I am about done with Kurts dog tutorial, I'm on the last video. I am wondering if anyone knows of any good tutorials(free) that goes into modeling, and detailing models. I am not going to buy any points, until I know im gona stick with Maya.



modeling is a difficult area of study :S and free materials only teach you so much, if this is the area your going to specialise in then its more important to have a core understanding of the fundamentals so in the future you can apply it to any package regardless of which you may work in. Because your spending alot of time on Maya and if your finding that its not the best app to work in, in a new app you'll have to learn it all again, as apposed to if you had the fundamentals you could have made the switch relatively quickly.

Internet tuts on modeling:

3D Modeler and Texture Painter (Learning)
"We have limits.... our imagination does not"

Final Year: University of Bradford (Worst place to live and study in the UK!!)
# 8 08-04-2005 , 08:36 PM
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Posts: 28
Ya man, thanks for the link i found that last night on's forum

But ya I am really interesting in modeling, it has been my dream to model since i was a little kid. I have many idols that are modelsuser added image lol But ya, i was to start learning how to basicly create a whole scene with maya.

My bud has 3ds and I showed him PLE and he said it is harder than 3ds but has more control. I have yet to see 3ds so I dont know.

The main reason I want to learn how to model is, if any of you guys play games, I am waiting on Battlefield 2 to come out, and I am going to make a BS mod for it right now, until I get better with it.
I am hoping the PLE adition will be supported though.

# 9 09-04-2005 , 08:36 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 15

Originally posted by Shortay
Ya man, thanks for the link i found that last night on's forum

But ya I am really interesting in modeling, it has been my dream to model since i was a little kid. I have many idols that are modelsuser added image lol But ya, i was to start learning how to basicly create a whole scene with maya.

My bud has 3ds and I showed him PLE and he said it is harder than 3ds but has more control. I have yet to see 3ds so I dont know.

The main reason I want to learn how to model is, if any of you guys play games, I am waiting on Battlefield 2 to come out, and I am going to make a BS mod for it right now, until I get better with it.
I am hoping the PLE adition will be supported though.

yeah im waiting for bf2 aswell but not to make the mods its not easy to make a mod for a game it takes ages and ages to get everything good

but i like the id gl with the modelling and try the ford focus tuorial u can learn lots of that one on

# 10 09-04-2005 , 01:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: England, UK
Posts: 145

Originally posted by Shortay
Ya man, thanks for the link i found that last night on's forum

But ya I am really interesting in modeling, it has been my dream to model since i was a little kid. I have many idols that are modelsuser added image lol But ya, i was to start learning how to basicly create a whole scene with maya.

My bud has 3ds and I showed him PLE and he said it is harder than 3ds but has more control. I have yet to see 3ds so I dont know.

The main reason I want to learn how to model is, if any of you guys play games, I am waiting on Battlefield 2 to come out, and I am going to make a BS mod for it right now, until I get better with it.
I am hoping the PLE adition will be supported though.

ah i see! good luck with that user added image i too am specalising in that field, it wasn't until recently that i disovered how difficult it was... good luck in it user added image

3D Modeler and Texture Painter (Learning)
"We have limits.... our imagination does not"

Final Year: University of Bradford (Worst place to live and study in the UK!!)
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