Maya 6.5 .STP import = Gaps??
I am experimenting playing with Step files in Maya 6.5 since this is the reason I bought Maya. The announcement of 6.5 handling .Stp files is a big deal for me. I heard that working with these files is top-notch, however, I am experiencing some poor results.
I am trying this out from very simple test parts created in SolidWorks and Rhino. My issue is the gaps and display quality between surfaces when in Maya. Example = a cap on a cylinder comes out as a diamond shape and will not attach with its cylindrical shape well. I have increased the resolution of the cap by hitting 3 on my keyboard and this makes it look beter, but there is still gaps. However, the edge of the cap and the cylinder walls appear to be the same.
When I render this, it looks decent in many parts, but the gaps are very obvious. The .STP files appear to come in as Nurbs, so the tools I am working with are from the surfaces and Nurbs menus. I have played with attaching surfaces, rebuilding surfaces and stiching. The help files look as if stitching either edge or global is what I need, but I cannot get anything to work. As I said, it looks ike all the edges are shared properly already as seen in wire mode, but not shaded or rendered.
I may post some pics when I get a chance, but any ideas until then will be greatly appreciated. Sorry if it is something obvious, but I am new with Maya. Thanks.