Integrating 3D models with photography
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# 1 01-07-2005 , 09:17 AM
Syphon's Avatar
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Lighting Effect

I am creating a scene were a character walks onto a platform and the platform lights up with a grid type effect. like below
I also need the light to give of a sort of light trail as it shines throught the gaps in the floor.

I have tried using area lights underneath and find that the light spills all ove the scene i need a way to keep it to the central platform.

Please help

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# 2 01-07-2005 , 10:17 AM
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use light linking to control what lights will affects which bits of geo.

lighting/shading>>light linking

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# 3 01-07-2005 , 10:26 AM
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yep i tried that and it did just affect my main podium. but i relly need the light to shine through the cracks not just light the scene. i also wanted the light to sort of glare if you know what i mean. like light shining into a fog but with out using a fog effect if possible my computer can hardly handle maya as is. This is what happens with the light linking maybe im still doing somthing wrong?

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# 4 01-07-2005 , 10:43 AM
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if you want it shinig trough fog you'll have to use fog I'm afraid (if you're animating it) if it's a still you can use maps painted onto planes to fake it.

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# 5 01-07-2005 , 11:01 AM
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ok i just linked the light with the fog and it lit up all the fog is that what im ment to do and how do i get the light to not light up both sides of my object when the light is only on one side

# 6 01-07-2005 , 12:42 PM
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is it casting shadows? lights will illuminate straight through unless they cast shadows

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# 7 11-07-2005 , 02:53 PM
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ok so i have finaly found a suitable example of the effect im trying to get. And it is going to be animated so i need it to be real and not just faked, although that method has help with another progect. thanks:attn: . Also i need to find a way to make just the edges of my poly shape to glow and the rest of the faces to be transparent. is there any thing like that in maya. also i wana thank you for all the help you have given me so far. thanks again

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File Type: bmp lighting effect i want.bmp (35.0 KB, 337 views)
# 8 19-07-2005 , 04:09 PM
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Only way I can think of to get that effect is to mess with your shaders. Perhaps layered shader? Set the transparency and the outGlow attributes to your desired effect.

Hope it helps.

# 9 19-07-2005 , 06:59 PM
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your image doesn't work. dont save as a bmp use a jpg please

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