Fluid life span kind of doesn't exist. What I mean is that the fluid is always there but depending on how you set your opacity graph, it can have so little density that you can't see it. Even if you make a simple whisp of smoke that vanishes because of turbulence, it's really still there but it becomes so dissipated that you just don't see it. Did you know that the fluid container is actually COMPLETELY full of fluid all the time? It is.. You're right. Dissipation does kind of control the "life span" in a way but there are other factors.
Collision problems happen with my fluid sims if the tesselate isn't set high enough. When you create a collision between the fluid and an object, a geo connection is made and shows up in the attribute editor. If you click on it, you will see where you can adjust the tesselate. I always have penetration problems with very thick fluids. I'm not sure why. Maybe voxel resolution does have something to do with it. Thanks for the idea.
Post a clip when you get it all figured out!
Last edited by Velusion; 13-10-2005 at 07:39 PM.