Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 19-10-2005 , 06:24 PM
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basic fire ring toturial

hi all!
I've seen the free movie : Basic Fire Ring tutorial (
And I've done all the tutorial say and at the final render, I don't see a "real" fire but a blue fire
I think that you anderstand that I don't whant a blue fire :p
so, if you know what's the problem, plz.... help me user added image
thank you

look : that's my blue fire =/

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# 2 19-10-2005 , 08:22 PM
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Looks like you've not assigned the fire shader correctly, by the looks of it you've got the "standard" particle cloud still on there

# 3 20-10-2005 , 06:26 AM
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yes... I think it to, but I've done all the tutorial said to me =/
so, I don't anderstand the problem.... :'(
I will try again, but I've done it two time and it's always the same, and I've got a friend who do the same tutorial, and he have got the same final render :s (I'm better than him in Maya :p, but he know how to use it =/)
so, let me try again....
thank you for you reply =)

# 4 20-10-2005 , 06:32 AM
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just... I tell you what I do :
=> when my particles have been ready for the fire (with a magnitude)
=> I select the particles, and I apply a Fire Effect
=> in the attribute editor, I see a "yellow" color for the fire (AND NOT BLUE LOL :p)
=> I do a render.....
=> and there is this Blue Fire =/
..... :'(

# 5 20-10-2005 , 01:40 PM
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when you create the fire effect you delete everything thats created (added to the outliner with the creation of the fire) you then open the hypershade, select the particles coming form the ring and apply the fire shader to the particles coming from the ring.

I'm sure this is your problem as the blue cloud is the standard particle cloud created by default by maya

# 6 20-10-2005 , 03:33 PM
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I've done it : I have a REAL FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
It's fantastic LOL :p
I forgotten to go to hypershade and asigne new material to particle2 =/
I'm so stupid :p

thank you very much for your help =)
bye user added image

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# 7 21-10-2005 , 10:45 AM
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good job!!!

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 8 09-02-2008 , 10:07 PM
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>> I've seen the free movie : Basic Fire Ring tutorial (
>> And I've done all the tutorial say and at the final render, I don't see a "real" fire but a blue fire ...

Thats a fairly good tutorial !

I say "fairly good" because:
1. They ought to have wrote a script to read.
2. They should have used a capturer that allows editing the mouse movements and used an "outliner pen".

At least it was "correct" and easy to follow.

I'll attach a Maya Binary of the result and the video (in .gif format) that you end up with:

EDIT BY RAGECGI: NOTE for 8.5 users, - This is for Maya 2008, just fyiuser added image

Attached Files
File Type: mb fire_ring_1.mb (72.1 KB, 558 views)

Last edited by suraj; 09-02-2008 at 10:10 PM.
# 9 09-02-2008 , 10:48 PM
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Here is the video (in .gif format). It was created like this:

ffmpeg -i Fire_Ring_256.avi -pix_fmt rgb24 Fire_Ring_256.gif
gifsicle -O3 -o Fire_Ring_256_O3.gif Fire_Ring_256.gif

The result is a VERY good representation of the rendering - considering that I compressed it to 0.003 % (350 times smaller!).

Origonal: Fire_Ring_256.avi - 30 MB
SuperCmpr: Fire_Ring_256_O3.gif - 86 KB

As you might imagine the 30MB video looks better than the 86KB Gif file but this gives you an idea of what it looks like.

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# 10 09-02-2008 , 11:06 PM
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Perhaps I should mention that the attachment is for Maya 2008 in case you have trouble loading it. I followed the tutorial EXACTLY and did not add anything, so hopefully it will be OK for older versions.

The Gif file I uploaded is 'fairly' close to the resulting output -- the actual result is NOT even 3-5 times better user added image .

Like Izzy said, it is a BASIC tutorial, and you need to tweak the settings (a LOT ?).

Here is what I wish it looked like, are there any experts who could alter my upload and get it to look "very close" to this (Please!, Thanks).

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Last edited by suraj; 09-02-2008 at 11:09 PM.
# 11 09-02-2008 , 11:24 PM
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Maybe after the FX Challenge, I'll make a few tutorials, with one being an update to my simple Fire Ring tutorialuser added image

Izzy - Ragecg

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 12 10-02-2008 , 12:32 AM
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Originally posted by ragecgi
Maybe after the FX Challenge, I'll make a few tutorials, with one being an update to my simple Fire Ring tutorialuser added image

Izzy - Ragecg


I was easily able (a few days) to replicate that VCE video in Boris R4 (which has 'nice fire') but it is going to take some time to learn Maya (especially with all the crashing).

If you want some GREAT ideas check out VCE (and the other FX sites). Try to replicate a "real life" video as closely as possible.

Lots of cool shorts at:

That Fire Ring video is at:

Last edited by suraj; 10-02-2008 at 12:52 AM.
# 13 09-05-2008 , 03:35 PM
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Originally posted by ragecgi
Maybe after the FX Challenge, I'll make a few tutorials, with one being an update to my simple Fire Ring tutorialuser added image
Izzy - Ragecg

Several months later ...

For the challenged there are some really fine fire effects (which duplicate the VCE effects) available at:

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