Nov/Dec - Norm - Blomkaal
Well, looking at some of the entries, it seems pointless to enter at this time, but I'll have a go at it anyways. And in the norm category this time
I've deciede to make my cellphone, a Nokia 7710. I've tried modelling this a couple of months back using NURBS, but failed horribly!
So now I'm starting over, this time using sub-d's this far, but might end up using a mix of both polys, NURBS and sub-d's.
Started monday and I've only been working a couple of hours on it so far. I've got the shape roughed out, so now it's time for tweaking and adding details. I also threw in a couple of basic shaders for the renders
EDIT: sorry about the image size, it seems my renders come out at 800x600 when I render them at 640x480 for some reason unknown to me...
Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
Last edited by blomkaal; 18-11-2005 at 07:55 PM.