Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
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# 1 28-12-2005 , 08:08 PM
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Another Ash Model...

Hello folks,

This is my first posting here. I must say everyone here seems to give great feedback; and your efforts in 3d are amazing!

So I thought I'd give it a whirl...

I'm currently putting together a demo reel for a position as a NURBS modeler. Unfortunately I am a bit clueless on how one textures acrossed multiple surfaces in a seamless fashion; so this is why this model of "Ash/Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead fame" is only wearing shaders at the moment. :blush:
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated on either the texturing issue, or just the model overall.
(Not sure about that back seam in the seat of the pants though!)


Oh, and Happy Pre-New Year!

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# 2 28-12-2005 , 08:09 PM
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# 3 28-12-2005 , 08:43 PM
vladimirjp's Avatar
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great model. btw. and done in NURBS user added image

for nurbs texturingu can use bodypaint3d or deep paint3d

or maya 3d paint.

another way is to convert your mesh into a poly mesh, UV it

then use the poly mesh as a texture reference, then after u paint your textures use them as a projection in maya over your nurbs model.

# 4 28-12-2005 , 08:51 PM
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Ahhhhh..., convert to polys, do the UV thang then project finished textures... wowzers, never thought of that!
Danke vladmir!

Yeah, I'm sort of poor, so I don't have any of that other fancy stuff. Still working in Maya 4 here. That's a good lowtech solution though.

# 5 28-12-2005 , 10:30 PM
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Wow, great model, especially since it's all NURBS! I can't even imagine doing an organic piece like this using NURBS, they kinda freak me out user added image

I think it looks great even though it's just basic shaders, but yeah, some dirtied and messed up colormaps would probably add to the feel of it user added image

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"
# 6 28-12-2005 , 11:15 PM
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Nice job with the modeling. As for texturing I would go along with what vlad said and convert to poly's for the UV's so you can paint it that way. There is one thing about the moedling that threw me for a loop. The stomach muscles seem a little odd. I'm not sure what it is, but they dont seem realistic. It looks excellent and I could be wrong, but I would double check some reference photos. Just my two cents worth. Awesome job overall.

# 7 28-12-2005 , 11:22 PM
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(in my best Ash voice) ... "Groovy"

# 8 29-12-2005 , 12:30 AM
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It may just be the angle. I used an anatomy book for reference.
Although sometimes those don't always have the best diagrams.

I've thought the tummy was a bit hinky as well, but when I left the strong deformation out and went with a more natural "doughy" look, it just didn't look quite 'ash' enough. Ya know?
Heh, maybe if BC ditched those highwater work pants...

# 9 29-12-2005 , 01:17 AM
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Maybe if he only had a 6 pack vs an 8 pack it might stretch it out? I dont know.

# 10 29-12-2005 , 01:31 AM
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Uh, okay. I'll get right on that.

# 11 29-12-2005 , 05:39 AM
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Definitely very nice work, especially with the NURBS! I've long ago made the switch to polys and never looked back, so I'm definitely impressed. user added image Keep up the good work!

# 12 29-12-2005 , 02:01 PM
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wow, quite impressive. a close-up and wire frames would be very interesting to see...

# 13 29-12-2005 , 04:58 PM
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lol, that's quite a bit nicer then my go at him user added image (but then again, that dosn't say much)

you really did an amazing job though. can't wait until you put textur on him....maybe get some bloodstains on his cloth and saw?

Maya 4 ever baby!
# 14 29-12-2005 , 06:03 PM
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Ive been watching this since you posted it, great work, and in Nurbs!! Holy crap its unheard of in these parts. Could you post some closer images for some more indepth crit?


# 15 29-12-2005 , 06:28 PM
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I'll see what I can do about some close-ups and wireframes, utpal. Sort of swamped with some other things at the moment, so texturing may have to wait, unfortunately. user added image

masn45, I Saw your 'Ash is back!' movie; I thought it was funny! ...Hey, at least your Ash is animatible!

...About the 6 pack thing, I guess about the easiest way to expain why I modeled the character the way I did, is to present a link to some photos of a cheeseball with a well defined torso. (Anyone remember John Basedow from the Fitness Made Simple infomercials? And if you are from another country and don't remember this guy from television, trust me that is a GOOD THING!)

I didn't actually use this man as a reference for Ash. He just came to mind as an easy example of showing an abdominal reference for everyone's viewing pleasure!
(Besides, he seems to have some pretty weird proportions, wouldn't you agree? And what's with that helmut hair? Yikes!)

Anyways, thank you to everyone for your comments and feedback!


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