Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
Some stuff I'm working on at the moment. All coments and crit on the modeling most welcome! I'm not well versed in texturing at the present time so please bear that in mind. Thanks!
dogg!!!!! man looks like a were-wolf.
great work on your car. its rather photorealistic.
but like alots of cars i've seen here in simplymaya.... its hovering.
The car model looks good, however the render looks like the usual "plug-in an HDRI and press render". The reflections are way to high and the trees doesn't fit the pic at all.
chatter beast looks nice form what i can remember of the movie..
Plan on texturing it?...woudl love to see that
CAr is nice as well, but i agree wiht the earlier commentabout it looking like the usual Toss an HDr image and let'r fly...
Trees would look ok, if there were soem form of residential scene to go with it, But on a blank backdrop, Trees, buildeins anything woudl look out of place, as it does there..
"All coments and crit on the modeling most welcome! I'm not well versed in texturing at the present time so please bear that in mind. Thanks!"
So, here's the model in completion. Would love to add more detail, however at this point I'm getting 1 frame every 5 seconds in update time just moving the camera. Further refinement and addition to the geometry is totally counterproductive and a waste of valuable time... so on to texturing. This should be a huge learning experience for me as I've just been focusing on modeling for the last year.
With regards to the frame over time, this is a sub D so why not just put the thing into proxy whilst adding geometry, add a shelf button to give yourself that ease to and from subd to poly.
Thats a pretty dense mesh too in areas especially for a subd, the shoulder is an area that isnt sitting with me, as is the paw grooves
You're going to need to go to poly anyhow to texture this properly
so...good work though
Great work on the beast...I agree with Jay about adding a shelf button to flip from sub-d's to poly's when you need to move things around...Its a blessing when your model starts getting complex.
The crit I have with the beast is that I wold like to see the front feet (paws) kinda sitting more flat to the ground...Other than that its great...Cant wait to see awsome textures on it.
Sometimes you eat the bear...Sometimes the bear eats you...
Either way...shit happens
Yep, that critter is SCARY looking! Excellent work! I do concur with Traindog about the front paws, but that's something which will be no doubt easily fixed! I'm curious to see how it deforms/animates! Just HOW wide does that mouth open?!
I've had to switch between poly proxy and standard mode all the way through this. To delete edges, extrude faces you have to be in polygon mode, then to patially or fully crease or add more verticy detail you have to be in standard mode. Poly mode doesn't make things any quicker on my pc. Changing to poly mode takes forever, might crash my machine odd times as well. When it is finally in poly mode the base sub-d mesh is still there causing all the lag. The only way to really make things quicker is to actually convert this to real polys, but of course i lose all the sub-d detal i've worked so hard for unless i want to convert to a billion polys, then i can't convert back to sub-d with the small base of polys. Am i missing something here guy's, it is distinctly possible lol?
This refference for the creature differs in allot of aspects from the actual movie creature, so my model differs from the action figure and the movie version as well. Took my own artistic licence with more than a few things. Note on the action figure how the paws are even higher than mine, and in the movie he was practically on his toes. But on the whole i agree, and i want to position the creature differently when and if i have it rigged.
They had a guy in a suit in the movie, so the form is way to humanoid. That's why they hid the creature allot from full body scenes.
Last edited by Dreamstate; 08-08-2006 at 03:43 PM.
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